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Many of our Florida Camps offer Winter Programs, Activities, Workshops & Classes starting in February, 2025.
Be sure to check the "Year-Round Programs and Other Camp Info" headings of each camp listing for specifics, or give any Camp you're interested in a call to check on Winter dates, times and availability.
Many of our Camps will be hosting Winter Reunions for their previous campers, and Winter Open Houses for interested new campers and families. Each camp is different, and some offer activities for the entire family.
Contact the camp(s) directly to see if there are any Camp Reunion or Open House Plans for February, 2025.
Like Girls Camps, Tech Camps, or Martial Arts Camps? There is a complete list of our current Special Interest Camp Directories a little farther down this page, and in the black bar at the very bottom of this page.
Looking for a Great Florida Day Camp? Look at each camp's TYPE OF CAMP description. Many of our Best Florida Day Camps also list their exact hours, and if they offer before and after camp activities.
Many of our Best Florida Summer Camps also offer Year Round Camp Programs, Classes, and Activities. You should contact the camps you are interested in to see if they offer Fall, Winter and/or Spring Programs, too.
Searching for Florida Camp Jobs? Many of our Best Camps are now listing their 2025 Winter Camp Jobs, too. Look for the heading "Summer Camp Jobs" in each camp listing. You can also check any camp's website for their "Work at Camp" or "Winter Employment Opportunities" pages.
View Only FL Camps with Winter Work & Leadership Training Opportunities.
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Camp Lantern Creek
Montgomery, Texas
Ages: 7 - 17 . All Girl Campers. Overnight Camp.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: While summer might look a little different this year, Camp Lantern Creek promises it will continue to bring the Creeker spirit to our campers and families this summer! CLC Unique, our virtual camp option, will begin on June 22, and will consist of week-long sessions that will offer one-of-a-kind programs unique to each session. Through our virtual programming, we will create memories with our new and seasoned Creekers, virtually.
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iD Tech Summer Programs for Ages 6-18
Locations: AL, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, KY, LA, MD, MA, MI, MN, MO, NV, NH, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, TN, TX, VA, VT, WA, WI
Ages: 6 - 18 . Coed Campers. All Girl Campers. Overnight Camp. Day Camp. Half-Day & Full-Day Options.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: iD Tech is the world leader in summer STEM education, with 400,000 alumni since 1999, and 150 prestigious campus locations including Stanford, Caltech, and NYU. Students ages 7-19 learn to code, design video games and Fortnite-inspired levels, mod Minecraft, create with Roblox, engineer robots, model and print 3D characters, work with AI and machine learning, and more! Weeklong, day and overnight summer programs that instill in-demand skills and embolden students to shape the future.
★ ■ ★ ■ ★ ■ ★
Visit Our iD Tech Summer Programs for Ages 6-18 Website
Held at 150+ prestigious campuses nationwide
Watch Our iD Tech Summer Programs for Ages 6-18 Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Half-Day & Full-Day, Overnight, and Weekend programs available.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Girl Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: iD Tech is the world leader in summer STEM education, with 400,000 alumni since 1999, and 150 prestigious campus locations including Stanford, Caltech, and NYU. Students ages 7-19 learn to code, design video games and Fortnite-inspired levels, mod Minecraft, create with Roblox, engineer robots, model and print 3D characters, work with AI and machine learning, and more! Weeklong, day and overnight summer programs that instill in-demand skills and embolden students to shape the future.
Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Computers, Math, Science, Technology, Academics, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Camps are located at prestigious campuses nationwide. Visit Our Camp Website Link: to find a location near you.
CAMP FACILITIES: Camps are held on university and school campuses. Most overnight campers stay in dorms and get the "college experience".
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: iD Tech is the world leader in summer STEM education, with 400,000 alumni since 1999, and 150 prestigious campus locations including Stanford, Caltech, and NYU.
Students ages 7-19 learn to code, design video games and Fortnite-inspired levels, mod Minecraft, create with Roblox, engineer robots, model and print 3D characters, work with AI and machine learning, and more! Weeklong, day and overnight summer programs that instill in-demand skills and embolden students to shape the future.
Just 5-10 students per instructor (maximum 10) so students can e¬njoy personalized learning at their pace.
The top universities on the planet—Stanford, NYU, Caltech—have trusted and hosted our programs for over 15 years, inspiring students to dream BIG.
Want to learn from an energetic Stanford computer science major? A virtual reality guru from NYU? A game developer who wants to share her lifelong passion? We’ve bet our reputation on recruiting the top instructors in the country. Our 8:1 student-to-instructor guarantee ensures customized learning with the smallest class sizes, leading to “a-ha moments” and awesome outcomes. iD Tech summer courses are inclusive of every skill level and learning style.
Today, every career—from art to engineering to social work—requires a strong foundation in tech. With a focus on skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration, our courses pave the way for bright futures in any field. Whether your child dreams of working at Facebook or Google, launching their own startup, or founding a nonprofit, their long-term skill development pathway starts here.
iD Tech also offers early-education STEM programs, all-girls tech camps, teen-only academies, and an online learning platform.
Get started today at Our Camp Website Link: or call (888) 709-8324 and join iD Tech as they inspire the makers of tomorrow.
Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for the most up to date information on sessions, dates, and fees.
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iD Tech Summer Programs for Ages 618
Please note that our list of 2025 Florida Summer Camps also includes information on Florida Summer Camp Scholarships, Financial Aid, and other 'Campership' or Financial Assistance. Look within each camp's description for the CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE heading.
Visit Our Jupiter Pointe Paddling Website
18701 SE Federal Hwy
Tequesta, Florida 33469
Watch Our Jupiter Pointe Paddling Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. 9am-4pm
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: A camp filled with tons of fun & adventure! Adventure trips to local area beaches & sandbars. Spend time paddling, kayaking, fishing, & snorkeling, playing field & water games, jumping in the bounce house with pool. Swimming in the cove & the pool. Toys & sports equipment are available for all the games & activities. Beach party & BBQ Fridays!
Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Team Sports, Adventure, and more. Paddle Boarding, Kayaking, Snorkeling, Fishing, Pool & Field Games, Bounce House With Pool & Slide, Ponies, Lily Pad, Cast Netting & More!!
CAMP LOCATION: We are located on Jupiter Pointe Marina's 13 acre property right on the Intracoastal. The property is just North of the "Entering Martin County" sign of Federal Hwy and about 1/4 mile from the Jupiter line
▌Read More about Jupiter Pointe Paddling
CAMP FACILITIES: We are on a 13 acre marina. With access to boats and other toys. There is a restaurant with an outdoor pool on the property, a secluded cove and plenty of places to fish and play.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: The kids dictate what they do, that's what makes our camp so great-it's THEIR camp! We have CPR and lifeguard certified counselors. Visiting camps have voted us the most fun camp 2 years running...
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Paddle board and Kayak rentals year round
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Jupiter Pointe Paddling
Some Florida Summer Camps offer Extended Hours, for Early Camper Drop-Off and Pick-Up. Be sure to check each camp's description under "TYPE OF CAMP" for complete information, and exact hours of any Extended Camp Day Options.
If you need these services, you should contact the camp to confirm availability.
Visit Our Pine Tree Camps Website
Lynn University
3601 North Military Trail
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
Watch Our Pine Tree Camps Video
CAMPER AGES: Pine Tree Camps offers day programs for campers ages 3-14 and overnight programs for campers 6 - 13.
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Overnight programs for campers 6 - 13.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Dance, Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Team Sports, Science, Technology, Academics, and more. Circus, Creative Arts, Discovery, Super Sports, For Complete List, Please Visit Our Website.
CAMP LOCATION: We are located Lynn University in Boca Raton, on Florida's Gold Coast, midway between Palm Beach and the Fort Lauderdale/Miami area. Please visit our website to learn more about Lynn's lush, 123-acre campus.
▌Read More about Pine Tree Camps
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: For complete program in, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:
For a complete list of specialty camps, please visit : Our Camp Website Link:
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: CIT program for campers who are 13 and entering 8th grade.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Day camp is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Drop off as early as 8 a.m. for no additional charge. After- camp programs are available until 5: 30 p.m. Kampus Kampers overnight camp is from Monday 8 a.m. to Friday 3:30 p.m.
We offer 3 - 3 week sessions 6/4-6/22, 6/25-7/13, and 7/16-8/3. Prices start at $1100 for our day programs and $2375 for Kampus Kampers overnight programs.
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Pine Tree Camps
Visit Our Beyond The Classroom Summer Camp Website
22000 Us Highway 27
Lake Wales, Florida 33859
22000 U.S. Highway 27
Lake Wales, Fl. 33859
Watch Our Beyond The Classroom Summer Camp Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Our Summer camp is a great way to experience our school and how our program helps students with learning challenges build independent life skills, learn social skills and peer navigation strategies, practice teamwork, hone in our building individual leadership skills with support guidance and help from our Teachers and Residential staff!
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Our Program is aimed at students with High Functioning Autism, ADHD, ADD, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, SLD in Math, Reading, and Learning, Social Anxiety and Depression, Auditory Processing Disorder, Global Developmental Disorder, Mood Disorder, and Executive Functioning issues.
Swimming, Computers, Math, Science, Technology, Academics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: We are located between Orlando and Tampa Florida along highway 27 in Lake Wales, Florida.
▌Read More about Beyond The Classroom Summer Camp
CAMP FACILITIES: We sit on 77 acres of natural preserves on a lake. We have four dorms and a junior Olympic size swimming pool. We have Volleyball Beach, Weight Lifting Room, full-size Gym, State of the Art Student Center with an arcade, billiard table, table tennis, fuse ball,and theater.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: For over 50 years, The Vanguard School has been working works with middle and high school students who face challenges in academics or/and social relations. Our students range from specific reading or math difficulties to anxiety in the classroom or during testing.
We also include students who need support developing executive functioning skills such as time management, planning, organizing, or self-advocating. We also help students realize and develop appropriate relationships through boundaries, communications, and engagement in activities such as volunteering, sports, and interest clubs. We have had a fabulous start to our 2019-2020 Vanguard School year, but now we are gearing up for our Summer Program Beyond the Classroom!
The Vanguard School, also, has an exciting summer camp Beyond the Classroom, and it is an outstanding opportunity for our students to experience The Vanguard Family and get to know new students and teachers in a relaxed environment and a much smaller setting.
Our summer camp goes beyond the traditional classroom, addressing not only academic skills but targeting the increasing need for social and emotional learning and life skills training that is at such a deficit in today’s students.
The social-emotional curriculum helps students to attain the skills necessary to manage and interpret emotions, feel and show empathy, exhibit self-control, make responsible decisions, and interact with others in our digitally-influenced world. Our summer program is packed with fun, learning, and growth opportunities! Please review the attached flyer to find out more!
Also, please follow us on Facebook Our Camp Website Link: daily updates, and if you want a closer look into The Vanguard School Community, you can visit Our Camp Website Link: to look at our Home Page online. Don’t’ miss our 360-degree tour on our Vanguard School Homepage Our Camp Website Link:!
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: The Vanguard School is a 6th-12th grade international boarding and day school for students with learning differences!
OTHER CAMP INFO: Beyond the Classroom into the Great Outdoors
Lots of fun and excitement planned in and outside the classroom!
Explore Science through hands-on learning, field trips, activities, and more!
Beyond the Classroom into the Great Outdoors
June 21-July 18, 2020
1) Two-week ACT Prep Course being offered as well.
2) Credit Retrieval Options being offered for the full month-long Camp.
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Beyond The Classroom Summer Camp
Visit Our Orlando Ballet Senior Summer Intensive Website
2201 McRae Avenue
Orlando, Florida 32803
CAMPER AGES: 11 and up
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The Orlando Ballet School Summer Intensive is for intermediate to advanced students ages 11 and up en pointe. OBS offers American training incorporating precise footwork, classical port de bras, and preparation for today’s classical ballet companies. Our summer program places strong emphasis on ballet technique training, but also offers supplementary classes in character, pointe, variations, modern, jazz, men’s, partnering and nutrition.
Dance, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Students travel from across the country and around the world to train with our internationally-renowned faculty during the five-week program in Orlando. The focus of the program is on ballet technique training, but all students also participate in the showcase performance at the end of the summer, and advanced students have the opportunity to perform for the public. Classes are held at our Central Campus in Downtown Orlando as well as at our South Campus and Orlando Ballet company rehearsal space at Loch Haven Neighborhood Center.
▌Read More about Orlando Ballet Senior Summer Intensive
CAMP FACILITIES: Overnight students participating in the Summer Intensive program will stay at the UCF campus dorms and bus over to the studios in the morning, located in downtown Orlando.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: The OBS Summer Intensive is for intermediate through advanced students ages 11 and up. International guest teachers supplement our professional, ABT Curriculum certified staff. Classes in ballet, character, pointe, variations, modern, jazz, men’s, partnering and nutrition are offered. Students participate in an average of six hours of daily training Monday through Saturday. Student housing, transportation, and supervision are offered for participants. Structured recreational time and several trips to major theme parks are also included as an option. Only exceptional students are selected from a combination of national auditions and mailed DVD submissions.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Possible scholarships offered with audition
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Orlando Ballet School classes occur year round
Orlando Ballet School’s Five Week Summer Intensive
Five Weeks: June 26-July 28, 2017
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Orlando Ballet Senior Summer Intensive
Visit Our Skyhawks Sports Academy Summer Sports Camps Website
Over 500 Locations Nationwide
Mead, WA
CA, CO, CT, FL, IA, ID, IL, IN, KY, MA, MI, MN, MT, NH, NY, OH, OR, PA, TX, WA, WI, and WY
6311 E. Mt. Spokane Park Dr., Suite B
Mead, WA 99021
Watch Our Skyhawks Sports Academy Summer Sports Camps Video
CAMPER AGES: 3 thru 12. Not all ages available in all areas.
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Hours vary by camp and age level.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Basketball, Football, Baseball, Cheerleading, Soccer, Golf, Tennis, Volleyball, Team Sports, and more. Lacrosse, Mini-Hawk, Multi-Sport, Quickstart, Tiny-Hawk, Track & Field, & Volleyball Too!
CAMP LOCATION: Skyhawks Sports Camps are located in cities throughout the state. Please see our website for exact locations near you at Our Camp Website Link:
▌Read More about Skyhawks Sports Academy Summer Sports Camps
CAMP FACILITIES: Modern practice fields and facilites with top-notch training and safety equipment.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Since 1979, Skyhawks sports has led safe, fun and skill-focused sports camps and programs for youth between the ages of 3-12.
We offer many different different sports--and countless ways for your child to grow. The camps range from soccer to baseball to our popular mulit-sport camps where kids sample three different sports (soccer, basketball and baseball) in one camp.
Our camps and programs are offered locally throughout over 500 communities. The format includes traditional week-long summer day camps and year-round after-school programs that range from 45 minutes to 6 hours in duration, per day. Our progression of camps and programs, led by our expert staff, are generated toward youth looking for a sport introduction or those who want to refine and master their sport-specific skills.
For Detailed Information on ALL of our summer sports camps, please visit our website at Our Camp Website Link:
Our coaches and site directors make a significant difference to your child's on-field experience. Chosen for their strong personal character, responsibility, and capacity to effectively communicate sports skills to youth, our staff will make the extra effort every time to ensure that your children have the best on-field/court experience, emphasize teamwork, and learn life skills through sports. Our staff are required to complete our extensive certification process.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We offer financial aid for those families that qualify. Please call 1.800.804.3509 for an application.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We offer year round programs in select states, please see our website for complete information on all Skyhawks Sport Camps in your area.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Skyhawks Sports Camps are SAFETY FOCUSED!
At Skyhawks we go the extra mile to focus on safety, and we have a long-standing proven safety track record and processes to prove it. For example, all Skyhawks Sports camps start and end with our unique safety process called "Gate System and Parking Lot Duty." This process is where coaches come and greet both parents and campers in the parking lot when parents pull up to drop off their children.
Our staff guide the kids onto the field/court and out of harm's way by funneling them into our gate system. Eye contact is maintained from each one of our staff members until the kids make it onto the field/court where they are grouped by age. This efficient process ensures safety. Additionally, it develops a level of trust between parent, coach, and child that ultimately leads to a fun and skill-focused camp for youth.
Skyhawks Sports Camps are offered throughout the summer, and specific dates and times vary from location to location.
Fees vary depending on age, duration of camp, and location.
You can find a complete list of sessions, times, and fees for ALL the Skyhawks Sports Camps in your area at: Our Camp Website Link:
Or feel free to call us at: 800-804-3509.
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Skyhawks Sports Academy Summer Sports Camps
Visit Our PLAY Performing Arts Website
(727) 393-7625
2 Locations
1920 1st Ave S
Saint Petersburg, Florida 33712
8998A Seminole Blvd
Seminole, FL 33772
St. Pete Studio
1920 1st Ave S 33712
Seminole Studio
8998A Seminole Blvd 33772
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Before/After Care Available
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: From the Broadway Bound to Junior Rock Stars and the next Songwriter sensation...
We've got an exciting summer of performing arts camps planned for all experience levels, ages 5 - 16.
As of 3/24/18 these camps are filling up fast. Don't wait and
The Greatest Show Musical Revue
Giants in the Sky: A New Musical
The Addams Family: A New Musical Comedy
Improv: Pretty Little St. Pete Dale
Get details on these camps and the full list of Summer Camps at Our Camp Website Link:
Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Our St. Pete studio is located at 1920 1st Ave S just blocks away from the Tropicana Stadium. We have off street parking. Look for the angels wings on the front of the building.
Our Seminole studio is located at 8998A Seminole Blvd in a center with Alterations and Curves Fitness. It is south of 102nd and north of Treasure Island Fun Center.
▌Read More about PLAY Performing Arts
CAMP FACILITIES: We have a brand new space that has been designed for learning, collaboration, and performance. It includes 6 small class rooms, a large rehearsal room and 1000 square foot dance studio.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: The mission of the PLAY Performing Arts Project is to provide the highest level of innovative, engaging arts education to gifted musicians, dancers, and actors so that they can achieve their fullest potential as confident artists and leaders.
"New School" Playas...
PLAY Performing Arts Project's camps and classes have been designed by nationally recognized experts in curriculum development. PLAY's teaching methodology brings a fresh contemporary, innovative approach to fostering the artistic, intellectual, and personal growth of dance, music, and theater students. ​
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: PLAY Performing Arts Project with studios in downtown St. Pete and Seminole brings a fresh contemporary, innovative approach to fostering the artistic, intellectual, and personal growth of dance, music, and theater students. ​
With a year-round curriculum of after-school and weekend classes and a focus on performance and original work we are committed to being an active playa in transforming our performing arts community through developing the next generation of ground-breaking artist who celebrate the excitement and love of the performing arts.
​That is why we offer contemporary classes - popular instruments, voice, and pop/praise/rock band, lyrical, hip hop, and modern dance, and musical theater, improv, and sketch-comedy. Our PLAYful, unique teaching method and performance learning space integrates technology, enables collaboration, and centers the focus squarely on the student as an artist.
For a full schedule of classes visit our website at Our Camp Website Link:
Visit our 2018 Summer Camp Guide on our website at Our Camp Website Link:
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PLAY Performing Arts
Visit Our Summer Art Camps and Workshops Website
510-353-0860 or 925-353-2877
43319 Mission Blvd
Fremont, California 94539
Ichen Art Academy, Fremont School
43319 Mission Blvd, Fremont, CA 94539
Ichen Art Academy, Pleasanton School
4430 Willow Road, Suite I
Pleasanton CA 94588
Watch Our Summer Art Camps and Workshops Video
CAMPER AGES: Art Camps (5-8), Digital Illustration(9+), Workshops(11+)
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Online. Weekly summer art camps and workshops and weekend art classes
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Both online and in-person art camps for ages 5-9.
Digital Illustration online camps for ages 9+;
Art workshops for ages 11+.
Fine Arts/Crafts, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: 4430 Willow Road, Suite I
Pleasanton, CA 94588
We also have over 100+ online summer art camps and workshops for K-12 students.
Please visit our Facebook webpage Our Camp Website Link: for camp photos for the past five years. You will be amazed by the high quality of our students artworks.
▌Read More about Summer Art Camps and Workshops
CAMP FACILITIES: We have both online art camps/workshops and in-person camps for our 2021 summer art program. Go to Our Camp Website Link: for more information.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Becoming an Ichen Art Academy student means that you have the opportunity to learn from the best art school with a long proven record of success to develop your creativity, foundational skills and artistic talents that will propel you to reach your full potential.
Best Quality Art Program
Since its inception in 1997 (formerly known as Ichen Art Studio), Ichen Art Academy has been putting relentless focus on developing high-quality art programs, reflected through its students’ artworks and measured by its students’ achievements. Many of its art-major students have now gone on to renowned art colleges and most prestigious majors such as CalArt’s Character Animation, ArtCenter’s Entertainment Design and Rhode Island School of Design. Some art-major students from early years have found employments in high-tech companies such as Google, Facebook and Netflix. Similarly, its non-art-major students have been accepted by nation’s top universities such as Harvard, Stanford, Princeton and MIT with the help of submission of a strong supplemental art portfolio. By consistently winning large numbers of national level awards in art competitions, Ichen Art Academy students’ skill levels and artworks are among the best in every age group.
Systematic and Comprehensive K-12 Art Education
Ichen Art Academy offers systematic and comprehensive art education to K-12 students and adults. All of its instructors are highly accomplished artists with many years of teaching and industry experience. Currently the following programs are offered
(Click the respective link to view students' artworks from that age group):
--Children’s Creative Art (Ages 5 to 8)
--Chinese Painting and Calligraphy (Ages 8+)
--Drawing and Sketch Level 1-Basic (Ages 8 to 10) Level 1 (Ages 10-11), 2 and 3 (Ages 12+)
--Oil Painting and Watercolor (Ages 12+)
--Digital Art for Beginner (Ages 9+), Intermediate and Advanced Levels (Ages 12+)
--Cartoon, Manga and Character Design (Ages 11+)
--AP Art Prep (Ages 14+)
Art Consultation Service for College Applications
The art counselor team at Ichen Art Academy specializes in helping art-major students prepare strong college art portfolios and apply for top art colleges and majors in the US. The team is also responsible for helping non-art-major students develop robust supplemental art portfolios for applying top private universities.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: We partner with Youth Art Foundation, a non-profit organization to help our students develop leadership and utilize their art talents and skills to make positive contributions to their communities.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Ichen Art Academy provides comprehensive and systematic art education for K-12 students on a yearly basis. Please check our curriculum webpage for a detailed description:
Our Camp Website Link:
OTHER CAMP INFO: Oil Painting, watercolor, Portrait/Figure Drawing, Illustration, Chinese Painting, Drawing and Sketching, AP Art Boot Camp, Open Studio, Fashion Design, UI/UX Design, Architectural and Interior Design, Animation and Game Design, Digital Art, Creative Comic Books, Manga and Anime, Cartoon and Character Design, Perspective Drawing, Graphic Design, 3D Modeling and much more.
Art Camps for kids ages 5-9:
Our Camp Website Link:
Digital Illustration Art Camp for ages 9+:
Our Camp Website Link:
Summer Art Workshops for ages 11+:
Our Camp Website Link:
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Summer Art Camps and Workshops
Visit Our Inside Out Theatre Summer Camp Website
2585 Glades Circle
Weston, Florida 33326
P.O. Box 267355
Weston, FL. 33326
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Inside Out Theatre offers two and three-week summer intensives that culminate in productions at the end of each session. We will be working on "The Jungle Book, Kids", (ages 8-12) "Beauty and the Beast" (ages 13-18) and offering the Summer Conservatory where campers create an original production as well as receive training in a variet of theatre arts taught by professionals.
Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Our camp programs are located at the Sagemont Upper School in Weston and performances are held in theatres in Broward County.
▌Read More about Inside Out Theatre Summer Camp
CAMP FACILITIES: We have multiple classroom spaces for instruction, a multi-purpose room for rehearsals, outdoor patio area to lunch in, and a professional theatre venue that we perform in.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Inside Out Theatre has been serving South Florida with a variety of theatre classes, programs and productions since it began in 1998. The company is a 501(C) not-for-profit organization whose mission is addressing social and community concerns and building character through the performing arts. The company has received numerous awards for its work and produces an average of eight musicals a year. While the Intensives aim to put up a Broadway musical in a concentrated time and professional atmosphere, the Summer Conservatory is a unique program that offers students instruction in a variety of theatre arts while they create an original production based on a socially relevant theme.
Classes include voice, dance, mime, physical comedy, improv, stage-make-up, Shakespeare, audition techniques, film/commercial acting, play-writing, and more. No matter what program a student is involved in, Inside Out Theatre strives to create a positive and creative atmosphere which allows each individual the opportunity for maximum growth, fun, close bonds with new friends and the best summer experience possible!
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Inside Out Theatre offers year round acting classes and workshops that culminate in performances.
Junior Intensive "The Jungle Book, Kids" - June 11 - June 22
Advanced Intensive "Beauty & the Beast" - June 25- July 15
"Summer Conservatory" - July 16- August 3
For more information please visit: Our Camp Website Link:
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Inside Out Theatre Summer Camp
Visit Our Camp Wildwood Website
Wildwood, Florida
Watch Our Camp Wildwood Video
CAMPER AGES: Girls entering grades 1-12.
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Girl Scouts.
Fine Arts/Crafts, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Team Sports, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Also, Archery Range, Swimming Pool, Equestrian Program, Homestead, Hiking, Bicycles, Nature Center, Star Gazing, Geocaching, Outdoor Cooking, & Letterboxing.
CAMP LOCATION: Camp Wildwood is located in Wildwood, about 75 miles northeast of Tampa and 25 miles south of Ocala. Wildwood offers 589 acres of original Florida – piney woods and palmettos in sandy soil, huge live oaks with Spanish moss and marshlands.
▌Read More about Camp Wildwood
CAMP FACILITIES: The campgrounds include a junior Olympic sized pool, equestrian barn with two lighted riding arenas, challenge course, climbing wall, nature center, homestead program, compass & geo cashing courses, off road biking on miles of biking/hiking trails, archery, game field and canoes. Campers stay in cabins, platform tents or dormitory style buildings. Please visit our website for more information on the camp's facilities.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Wildwood is an ACA-accredited Girl Scout camp, part of the Girl Scouts of West Central Florida council. Please visit our website for more information on staff, certifications, history, etc.
Please visit our website at Our Camp Website Link: for more information!
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Camp Wildwood
Visit Our Fort Pierce Jazz & Blues Society's Summer Jazz Camp Website
Sunrise Theatre
117 South Second Street
Fort Pierce, Florida 34950
P.O. Box 1086
Fort Pierce, FL 34954-1086
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Most summer camps involve arts and crafts and maybe swimming and a game or two, but as you can imagine, Jazz Camp is decidedly different and unique. For two weeks, students come to the camp from 10 – 2 daily and jump right into the music, having a chance to play with the professionals and learning how to improvise, change keys on the fly, and even how to scat like a natural, all while having a great time and learning from musicians who’ve played with the likes of Duke Ellington, Bob Hope, Sammy Davis Junior, Mel Tormé, Johnny Mathis, Styx, Lawrence Welk, Dionne Warwick, and so many more household names. This is way more than a summer camp; this could be a life-changer for your student musician - or you.
Music/Band, and more. Jazz.
CAMP LOCATION: On Florida's Treasure Coast, about an hour north of Palm Beach and 90 minutes south of Orlando.
▌Read More about Fort Pierce Jazz & Blues Society's Summer Jazz Camp
CAMP FACILITIES: Historic, fully-functional 1,500 seat theatre which hosts shows, entertainers, and popular acts all year long.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Five incredible powerhouse talents will cover every aspect of musicianship. We're not talking teen camp counselors; these are professional musicians and educators who have performed with the likes of Duke Ellington, Bob Hope, Sammy Davis Junior, Mel Tormé, Johnny Mathis, Styx, Lawrence Welk, Dionne Warwick, and so many more household names, and won so many awards that they've had to put in additions just to hold them all.
Campers won't just practice, learn, and get one-to-one instruction at this camp; they'll have an opportunity to hone their performance skills and play with the seasoned pros, too. This is a dream camp experience for all aspiring musicians.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Weekly Jazz Jams and plenty of live performance opportunities. Fort Pierce Jazz and Blues Society also presents live musical acts throughout the year, hosts a full week of Jazz Fest every March, and raises funds to provide at least ten scholarships per year for talented young musicians pursuing a career in music.
The first two weeks of Jazz Camp, which are slated for June 12th through the 16th and June 19th through the 23rd, run $135 per week or $250 for both weeks. The Advanced Jazz Camp, June 26 – 30th is $175, and the same week’s Vocal Boot Camp is $165.
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Fort Pierce Jazz and Blues Societys Summer Jazz Camp
Visit Our 1Team Fitness - Boot Camp Extravaganza Website
Mandalay Ave
Clearwater, Florida 33767
2519 N McMullen Booth Rd #510
Clearwater, FL 33761
Watch Our 1Team Fitness - Boot Camp Extravaganza Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Basketball, Weightloss, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, and more.
Paddle Boarding
Boot Camp
CAMP LOCATION: We are located on Florida's Gulf Coast, about 45 min west of the city of Tampa, and 40 minutes north of St. Petersburg. Please visit our website for pictures of Florida's beautiful landscape and our action packed weight loss camp!
▌Read More about 1Team Fitness - Boot Camp Extravaganza
CAMP FACILITIES: Our guests stay is a 4 Diamond resort, our partner resort: The Sandpearl. The Sandpearl Resort is one of the most elegant and luxurious resorts on the Gulf Coast. With many rooms offering beach and gulf views, the Sandpearl offers a tranquil and relaxing atmosphere for guests after an action packed, fitness filled day! The Resort is included in the program price. Please visit our website for more information at: Our Camp Website Link:
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Original Package:
Our 1Team Fitness Original Package is for people who want to join the program by themselves or with a friend or two. Like all of our packages, its designed for those serious about fitness and/or weight loss! The package offers the guest specific training activities based around them. They get all the fitness and nutritional essentials they need in an intense workout filled day.
Team Work Package:
Our Team Work Package is for people who want to train with a group of friends or family (4 or more ppl.) and want to share the experience of the weight loss camp /fitness extravaganza with each other. By being part of the “Team” of 4 or more people, guests are entitled to 20% off each guests total price. In addition, guests receive customized team workout shirts. They also receive the benefits of the original package.
“No I In Team” Package:
For people looking for an intense fitness adventure with their loved one, we offer the “No I in Team” Couples Retreat Package. With this package, guests receive daily luxury spa treatment together, after a long fun filled fitness day! Guests will also receive 1 Team Fitness shirts and enjoy all the amenities of the original package
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Team Work Package:
Our Team Work Package is for people who want to train with a group of friends or family (4 or more ppl.) and want to share the experience of the weight loss camp /fitness extravaganza with each other. By being part of the “Team” of 4 or more people, guests are entitled to 20% off each guests total price. In addition, guests receive customized team workout shirts. They also receive the benefits of the original package.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Our weight loss/ fitness program is offered year round.
OTHER CAMP INFO: This is a weight loss, fitness retreat all-inclusive program.
Sessions and booking dates are available 365 days a week, with a minimum of a 2 weeks booking/preparation period.(must book min. 2 weeks in advance)
Rates can be found on our website.
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1Team FitnessBoot Camp Extravaganza
Visit Our Bright & Smart ~ Next Generation STEM Innovators Website
Call or Text
101 E Commercial Blvd
Oakland Park, Florida 33334
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily: 9am - 4 pm
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Bright & Smart - Next Generation STEM Innovators is a weekly STEM summer camp specially designed for girls and boys who are creative, curious, and keen, 5 to 12 years old
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: We welcome all creative, curious, and keen children ages 5 - 12.
Computers, Science, Technology, Academics, and more. Robotics
3D Printing
CAMP LOCATION: We are located in South East Florida, in East Broward County.
We are just off of I-95 and E. Commercial Blvd. (2 miles west of Lauderdale By The Sea)
Please visit our website for more information. Our Camp Website Link:
▌Read More about Bright & Smart ~ Next Generation STEM Innovators
CAMP FACILITIES: We have a small and super safe, bright, and comfortable facility to teach STEM.
Campers have access to private restrooms, sanitizing stations, a break room, and a backyard to enjoy the fresh air.
Visit our page on Google Maps for more photos.
Our Camp Website Link:[AT]26.1888996,-80.1482931,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x88d9027932f834bf:0xca77e00a7d6be1aa!8m2!3d26.1888996!4d-80.1461044
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Your child will:
Participate in a split-day camp with other children in their age group (5-6, 7-9), doing coding activities in the morning and robotics/engineering challenges in the afternoon.
Enjoy, every day, 5 hours of personalized project-based instruction plus 2 hours of interest-based projects and socializing time.
Learn to design, create, and program (code) their own interactive stories, games, and animations.
Build and program robots using a particular platform (5-6), an edition of Lego bricks (7-9), and open-source microcontrollers and drones (10-12), using a curriculum developed especially for them.
Collaborate with small groups with at least one adult instructor for every six (6) children.
Be Introduced each day to new and exciting STEAM challenges.
Perform a show-and-tell during our "Friday STEMicon Family Time" to showcase their newly earned skills and accomplishments.
Our instructors are thoroughly background-checked and cleared. They are the most experienced, caring, live instructors..
Every week is packed with STEM Hands-on, MEMORABLE, MEANINGFUL, and MOTIVATING activities and projects based on PASSION, COLLABORATION with PEERS, and a PLAYFUL spirit.
Our camp is taught by the industry's most experienced, caring, live instructors.
Schedule your complimentary Meet & Greet session with us soon. We are limited to 12 campers per week.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Are you 14 and older, enjoy children, and are passionate about STEM? Contact us to become a CIT this summer.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Please get in touch with us for more information. 954-816-3346
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): We have weekend programs for the whole family.
Please get in touch with us for more information. 954-816-3346
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Our goal at Bright & Smart is to teach kids essential Engineering and Computer Programming Skills and facilitate the development of 21st Century Learning Skills, such as; Information & Media Literacy, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving, and Interpersonal & Collaborative Skills.
We are open year-round. Visit our website for more information.
Our Camp Website Link:
OTHER CAMP INFO: We started teaching our STEM programs in 2005 (18 years).
We are here to stay!
Please visit our website for complete information.
Our Camp Website Link:
Have you ever dreamt of making a difference?
Yes, you can be the educator who inspires children to pursue a more technological future!
Find out how to become a part of the Bright & Smart ~ Engineering Skills For Kids Team now!
Visit us at Our Camp Website Link:
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Bright and SmartNext Generation STEM Innovators
Visit Our Collegiate Soccer Experience at Florida State University Website
600 W College Ave.
Tallahassee, Florida 32306
Watch Our Collegiate Soccer Experience at Florida State University Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Boy Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: We are pleased to bring Virginia Tech's Head Soccer Coach, Mike Brizendine to host his program, Collegiate Soccer Experience, at Florida State University!
With overnight and day camp options, field players and goalkeepers alike will find training for their individual needs. Featuring a professional coaching staff, beautiful facilities and top athletic training staff, each player receives both individual and team training to help accelerate his soccer development. After the end of the week all overnight campers receive a detailed evaluation of their performance. Players will leave camp having improved their skills and excited to bring what they've learned to their home teams!
Soccer, and more.
▌Read More about Collegiate Soccer Experience at Florida State University
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Soccer players in the state of Florida can now experience the coaching expertise of Coach Mike Brizendine, and enjoy meeting new friends and having serious fun on campus at Florida State! Campers will learn principles of attacking and defending, combination play, pressure-cover-balance, flank play, counter attacking, zonal defending, finishing, and more.
We break down the game, and focus on individual topics for each session and then practice in small sided games. Our system of coaching gives players the chance to make better decisions while playing at a faster pace, reaching a new level of awareness and understanding of the game. We make camp competitive as the players push themselves. During the week players compete in small sided tournaments and evening games. Registration is limited to ages 10-18.
Please refer to the camp webpage for additional information:
Our Camp Website Link:
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Collegiate Soccer Experience at Florida State University
Visit Our Camp Live Oak Website
3109 East Sunrise Blvd
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304
2300 East Oakland Park Blvd., Suite 207
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306
Watch Our Camp Live Oak Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Mon - Fri 8am - 6pm
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): American Camp Association.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: ACA accredited children's day camp offered at three beautiful state parks. Outdoor environmental camp includes hands on science, canoeing, archery, fishing, arts and crafts, surfing, paddle boarding, scuba diving, field trips and full immersion Spanish camp for ages 5 – 13. Teen Eco Experience, ages 14-16. Science of the Seas Camp at Mizell-Johnson State Park, ages 5 – 13. Van service available. Counselors are certified teachers. Weekly & Session rates, Sibling, and Early Bird discounts available. Healthy Lunch available.
Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Basketball, Football, Waterfront/Aquatics, Science, Academics, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Scuba Camp, Teen Program, Lil Sprouts (3 & 4 Yr Olds)
CAMP LOCATION: 2 Locations in South Florida:
Camp Live Oak Hugh Taylor Birch State Park, A1A & Sunrise Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, 954-563-4880. A short walk from beachside shops and condominiums, this park is an oasis of tropical hammocks-a gift from Hugh Taylor Birch to Florida's posterity. His former estate preserves four distinct natural communities, nestled between the Atlantic Ocean and the Intracoastal Waterway.
Mizell-Johnson State Park, 6503 N. Ocean Dr., Dania Beach, 33004, 954-563-4880. Surf fishing, canoeing, swimming, nature study, boating, and picnicking will keep the whole family busy. For those interested in South Florida's underwater beauty, Lloyd Beach has one of the easiest and most interesting shore dives in the area. The park has two boat ramps with easy access to the ocean through the Port Everglades Inlet, which will please those who prefer to fish in open water. The mangrove-lined waterway is a scenic place to canoe, observe bird life, and take photographs. Located off A1A in the City of Hollywood.
▌Read More about Camp Live Oak
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Live Oak is a children's day camp working in a cooperative effort with Florida’s State Park System to provide an environmental experience. We offer a unique opportunity for kids to experience the wonder and joy of curiosity, discovery and new knowledge in regards to nature in general and unique ecosystems in the Ft. Lauderdale and Dania beach.
In addition to our wonderful summer camp programs, we offer winter and spring camp experiences. Exciting adventures include hands-on marine and environmental science programs, canoeing, kayaking, fishing, swimming, media/photography program, archery, hiking, mountain biking, surfing, photography, paddle boarding, sports, kayaking, snorkeling, scuba diving camp (Ft. Lauderdale location only), pottery, arts and crafts, field trips, onsite special weekly activities (rock wall, water slides) Teen travel trips to the Florida Keys and much more!
We are proud of the fact that Camp Live Oak is one of only a few American Camping Association (ACA) accredited camps in Broward county for the past 25 years. We meet and often exceed over 300 standards of health and safety, programming, staffing and accountability set by ACA and meet the ideal adult/camper ratio of 5 to 1. Our staff is comprised of highly qualified and certified teachers, counselors, specialists, scientists, state guides, ecologists, environmentalists, and water safety instructors, which ensures your child will be safe and well cared for. Bus service available. Weekly & session rate options with sibling discounts. South Florida Parenting Magazine Kids Crown Award -Best Summer Camp, Best Environmental Camp 2002,2007,2008 Broward Family Life Favorite Summer Camp Award 2014, 2015, 2016
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: This teen program features wide variety of activities and fantastic field trips that your teen is sure to love! We offer a multitude of different programs which are flexible with your teens busy summer schedule. The teen summer program is now a weekly program. Register for 3 weeks (regular weeks) or more and receive a Multiweek discount! Discount does not apply to any of the Specialty weeks, including Ocean Quest.
Weekly Options all Summer Long! – Teens can participate in weekly programs all summer long. This program will be a combination of volunteer work within the assigned cabin groups and activities or field trips designed specifically for teens. Teens will be assigned to a camper group (ages 5 – 9) which they will work alongside certified teachers and college students guiding campers through a series of outdoor activities. The time that they work with the groups they earn community service hours for high school. In addition, they will come together with the Teen Eco coordinator and participate in a variety of activities or field trips.
Please visit our website for full details and rates.
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Camp Live Oak allows your child to explore the world around them here in South Florida, enjoying the many aspects of our beautiful environment! Each Camp Live Oak session and week is centered around a theme, with activities and programs built around that theme. Understanding the local natural environment and developing a respect and stewardship for that environment is vital to our program. The integration of science and art into each week allows for creativity and enthusiasm for learning and doing.
Campers enjoy swimming, canoeing, science, kayaking, arts and crafts, sports, surfing, fishing, paddle boarding and archery every week that they are at camp, with different activities rotating on various days. Exciting and educational field trips, guest speakers and specialty programs are scheduled regularly to give your child an extremely well rounded day camp experience!
Remember, you may register for as many, or as few, weeks as you’d like, there is no minimum number of weeks.
We highly recommend children attend for at least two weeks so they are able to have a full camp experience, but we are flexible as we know your summer schedule may be full of fun activities.
Have a child that is 14 – 16 years of age? Check out our Teen Eco Experience, specially designed for high school age campers. This program combines community service hours as well as fun group activities, day field trips, overnight travel excursions throughout Florida and more!
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Offer single fun camp days during Broward county school days off.
Please see our website for detailed information and registration, at: Our Camp Website Link:
Positions Available: Lifeguards/Paddleboard/Surfing Instructors Teen Eco Leader, Mt. Biking Instructors, Science Teachers (Dania Beach location only) Art Teachers (Ft. Lauderdale only) Head Counselors/Substitute Teachers/Jr. Counseling staff - Both locations (Ft. Lauderdale/Dania).
Please visit our website for detailed descriptions at Our Camp Website Link:
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Camp Live Oak
Visit Our HiTech Yeti Tech Camp Website
(415) 515-5278
Online Only
Burlington, Vermont
TYPE OF CAMP: Online. Weekly 10am-3pm
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp options include; Video Game Creation, Minecraft Game Design, Minecraft Electrical Engineering, and Programming (Scratch, Python, Java)!
Computers, Technology, and more.
▌Read More about HiTech Yeti Tech Camp
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: We have been teaching programming, robotics, Minecraft, and Game Design classes for over 14 years!
We believe learning should be fun and challenging! Learning through play and experimentation leads to long lasting understanding!
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We host monthly programming and game design tournaments year round!
Camp sessions are weekly and run from June 1st - August 28th.
Most courses cost $299 a week, but we also offer 1-on-1 programming mastery courses that cost more!
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HiTech Yeti Tech Camp
Visit Our David Posnack JCC Camp Kadima Website
954-434-7038 or 954-434-0499 ext. 202
5850 S. Pine Island Rd.
Davie, Florida 33328
CAMPER AGES: 1 years old - 14 years old
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., we have extended hours from 7:30 - 6 p.m. if needed.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: We have 125 special needs campers with autism, down syndrome or learning disabled.
Basketball, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Team Sports, Computers, Science, Technology, Academics, and more. Sports Camps, Basketball, All Sports
CAMP LOCATION: 40 acres in Davie, Florida. Pleae visit our website Our Camp Website Link: for photos and information.
▌Read More about David Posnack JCC Camp Kadima
CAMP FACILITIES: Tennis courts, 2 air conditioned gyms, 3 swimming pools, karate, yoga and dance studios. auditorium, batting cages, lake, 2 game rooms, 3 cafeterias, Drama, arts and crafts, archery, soccer, science lab, field trips, batting cages, water slide days, indoor playground, cooking, dance and kid fit activities.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: We were voted #1 summer camp in the Davie, Cooper City Gazette.
We have talent shows, special events, color war, flagpole, flagpool, international counselors. Themes dress up days.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Call for information on Leadership Programs.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We do have financial aid for those who meet the criteria.
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): We have a Family Camp Carnival and an Early Bird Campalooza night.
Session 1 - June 9 - July 4th
Session 2 - July 7 - July 31
Post camp - August 3 - 14th.
Please visit: Our Camp Website Link: for further information
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David Posnack JCC Camp Kadima
Visit Our FICA Young Investors Wall Street Training Summer Camp Website
Locations throughout the US
11310 S. Orange Blossom Trail #244
Orlando, Florida 32837
Atlanta, GA
Chicago, IL
Houston, TX
Jacksonville, FL
Kansas City, MO
Miami, FL
Nashville, TN
New York, NY
Oakland, CA
Phoenix, AZ
San Francisco, CA
Tampa, FL
Seattle, WA
Washington DC
11310 S. Orange Blossom Trail #244
Orlando, Florida 32837
Watch Our FICA Young Investors Wall Street Training Summer Camp Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Daily: 9am-4pm
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Fun, Exciting and Informative! These three terms sum up the FICA Young Investors Summer Camps. Students enjoy financial intelligence training, video and board games, financial field trips to local financial districts, and guest speakers from some of America's largest corporations.
Technology, Academics, and more. Financial Intelligence, Financial Investment Training, Wall Street Summer Camp.
CAMP LOCATION: San Francisco State University
1650 Holloway Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94132
▌Read More about FICA Young Investors Wall Street Training Summer Camp
CAMP FACILITIES: FICA Young Investors Wall Street Summer Camps TM are held in safe and professional learning environment; usually on the campuses of some of America's most prestigious Colleges, Universities and or executive/education learning centers
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: These three terms sum up our comprehensive and very informative FICA Young Investors Wall Street Summer Camps TM. While we are very committed to providing certified instructors, field trips and superior financial intelligence informative training applications, we don't just stop there. We make sure to set aside some time for a little fun, tours and entertainment activities. As a result, learning about the world of business and financial intelligence has never ever been this much fun!
Future Investor Clubs of America's comprehensive financial training system includes: Access to the FICA's Members Camp Preparatory Training Network; Certified Financial Intelligence Trainers TM; Winning On Wall Street Kickoff TM; American Dream Plan introductory training; Basic Financial Intelligence Training TM (BFIT); Advance Financial Intelligence Training TM (AFIT); Executive Financial Intelligence Training TM (EFIT); Financial Intelligence Training TM (IFIT); International Financial Intelligence Training TM (IFIT) intelligence training curriculum's presented in a creative and interactive way to enhance the learning process.
All Future Investor Clubs of America summer camp instructors are Certified Financial Intelligence Trainers(CFIT) having completed our training programs. Each CFIT has years of business, education, executive, investing and or financial services experience.
Future Investor Clubs of America summer camp programs are designed to be a top quality, positive comprehensive learning experience that students will never forget. Therefore, FICA has incorporated carefully designed Financial Field Trips TM to enhance the students experience and learning process.
FICA members who have completed the Basic (BFIT), Advanced (AFIT) and or Executive Financial Intelligence Training (EFIT) curriculum receive Certificates of Completion and are eligible to participate in many fun, exciting and informative events.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: All Future Investor Clubs of America summer camp instructors are Certified Financial Intelligence Trainers(CFIT) having completed our training programs. Each CFIT has years of business, education, executive, investing and or financial services experience. In addition to industry experience, our instructors must complete 40 hours of training on how to teach each of our BFIT, AFIT, EFIT, IFIT and LFIT curriculum's.
Future Investor Clubs, Chapters and Centers are eligible to select lead teachers and instructors to attend CFIT training programs. Individuals completing our instructor comprehensive training programs earn the designation of Certified Financial Intelligence Trainer TM (CFIT). Business and financial industry executives, managers, investment advisors, commodity/stock brokers, traders and other professionals are scheduled as guest speakers during the camp training week.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Depending on your camp length of stay, approval and city selection, students will visit such places as: Downtown Business Districts; Investment and Community Banks; Commodity/Stock Market Brokerages, Angel Investor Networks; Federal Reserve Bank; Venture Capital Networks; Fortune 500 Companies; Private Equity Corporations; Hedge & Mutual Fund Corporations, Insurance Corporations; Corporate Meetings; College/University Business School Tours; Investment Trading Companies, Commodity/Stock Exchanges and more!
All field trips are held daily and are designed to provide attending students a once in a lifetime summer learning experience.
Camps are held in June, July and August.
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FICA Young Investors Wall Street Training Summer Camp
Visit Our Tour De France- French Camp 2016- French Immersion Summer Camp Website
305 NW 3rd
Miami, Florida 33128
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Summer Camp 2016- Le Tour de France. Camp Dates 2016 : June 13th - July 8th 2016. Centrally located at the Downtown Miami Charter new facility, children 4-14 will enjoy a variety of fun activities with daily French classes, etiquette, photography, art and crafts, theater, culture, food tasting, sports, outdoor French games, weekly field trip, splash days and parents show. Beginners and bilingual children welcome.
Theater, Musical Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Team Sports, Academics, and more. French Immersion.
CAMP LOCATION: Centrally located at the Downtown Miami Charter new facility. 10 min from Miami Beach & Coconut Grove. 15 min from Sout Miami & Coral Gables
▌Read More about Tour De France- French Camp 2016- French Immersion Summer Camp
CAMP FACILITIES: New school facility with a great playground.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Certified French Teachers. 2 hrs of daily French classes, arts classes, cooking lessons, and NEW this year movie making series and photography workshop. Low Student / Teacher Ratio. Food tasting, culture & geography, NEW this year French Childrens' Author visit, picnics, authentic french games. Field Trips and Shows. Theater acting, multi sports, weekly field trips, weekly splash days, Parents shows & much more!
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We offer french classes during the school year
Age 4-14
Session 1: June 8th - June 19th - Week 1: La Préhistoire; Week 2: Le Moyen Age
Session 2: June 20th - July 2nd - Week 3: La Renaissance; Week 4: L'Âge des Lumières
Camp Hours: 9:00 A.M. - 3:30 P.M.
Before-Camp Care: 8:00 - 9 A.M.
After-Camp Care: 3:30 - 5:30 P.M.
Registration Fee: (non-refundable) $50 per child per child and includes language notebook, Portfolio, one Summer Camp T-Shirt, and All Arts & Crafts Materials. (Additional T-shirt available for $12)
Weekly Tuition: $275.00 per week (2-week session minimum); siblings receive a $20.00 discount. If a child register for two sessions a $15.00 discount will be applied to the cost of second session. Early Birds - (before 04/11) receive an additional $30 discount for both sessions.
Before-Camp Care: $25 per week (optional)
After-Camp Care: $35 per week, per camper (optional)
Lunch: $25 per week, per camper (optional)
Camp T-shirts: $12 each mandatory on Field trip day recommended every day!
Transportation available from Coral Gables upon request and for a fee.
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Tour De FranceFrench Camp 2016 French Immersion Summer Camp
Visit Our MODELING CAMP Website
212 East 42nd
New York, NY 10017
Illinois, Texas, California, Florida, Georgia, Virginia
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.
and more. Modeling, Fashion
CAMP LOCATION: Modeling Camp offers locations in NYC, Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami, San Francisco and Virginia. Please visit our website for more information: Our Camp Website Link:
▌Read More about MODELING CAMP
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: MODELING CAMP offers girls ages 7 thru 18 the opportunity to experience the world of fashion and modeling in a safe, non-competitive environment. Learn about the industry from top industry professionals, and gain valuable life skills along the way!
Meet stars from TV's hit show ' America's Next Top Model', have your own professional photo shoot, meet top modeling agencies such as Elite, Ford Models, Wilhelmina and more!
If you want to 'discover the model in you', this is the place to get started! Featured on GOOD MORNING AMERICA and NBC, this camp is the perfect place for all fashionistas!
Please visit our website for session dates, locations and and fees: Our Camp Website Link:
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Visit Our Miami Equestrian Club - Summer Camp Website
(305) 262-8303
11970 SW 64th St
Miami, Florida 33183
CAMPER AGES: 8 - 16 years old
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Miami Equestrian Club offers a great summer camp Miami program which includes, among other things, pony rides, horseback riding lessons, and horse grooming. We welcome students from all skill levels to our 17.5 acres farm this summer.
Equestrian Sports, Wilderness, and more. Pony Rides
Horse Grooming
Horseback Riding Lessons
Farm Shores
CAMP LOCATION: Miami Equestrian Club (horse boarding facilities in Miami) is conveniently located at 11970 SW 64th Street, Miami, FL 33183; in the area known as "Horse Country". It is conveniently located a few minutes away off the bird road exit on the turnpike highway.
▌Read More about Miami Equestrian Club - Summer Camp
Summer Camp 2017.
Session #1: June 19th - July 14th
Session #2 : July 17th - August 11th
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Miami Equestrian ClubSummer Camp
Visit Our Art and Wellness Summer Camp Website
400 N Ashley Dr Cube 200
Tampa, Florida 33602
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5pm
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Join us this summer for our best summer camp yet at the Florida Museum of Photographic Arts. It is the perfect combination of art and wellness for your child
Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, and more.
From the North: I-275 Southbound to the Downtown East-West exit (# 45A), and stay right on the exit ramp as it divides. Follow the signs for Ashley Street. On Ashley Street, FMoPA will be 5 blocks ahead on the right hand side.
From the South: I-275 N to the Downtown-West exit (# 44). The ramp divides, so stay to the right onto Ashley Street. Move into the right two lanes, and follow Ashley about 5 blocks ahead
We are located in the second floor.
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Week 1: June 6th-10th
Week 2: June 13th-17th
Week 3: June 20th-24th
Week 4: June 27th-July 1st
Week 5: July 5th-8th
Week 6: July 11th-15th
Week 7: July 18th-22nd
Week 8: July 25th-29th
Week 9: August 1st-5th
+$22.94 Fee
Not Yet Members
+$25.37 Fee
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Art and Wellness Summer Camp
Visit Our Cheerleading, Dance, Manners and More Summer Camp - Coral Springs Florida Website
3205 N University Drive
Coral Springs, Florida 33065
10242 NW 47th St.
Suite 14
Sunrise, FL 33351
CAMPER AGES: 5 to 12
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Girl Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Cheerleading, Dance, Manners, Crafts and More Summer Camp: 8 weeks available, Free Pre and Post Care, Early Registration Discount, Second Child Discounts. In Broward County Schools since 1994 - Space is VERY LIMITED, call 954-748-5977 to register TODAY!
Dance, Cheerleading, Weightloss, Gymnastics, and more. We Offer A Variety Of Classes That Our Campers Attend Including: Exercise / Fitness
Modeling - All About Posture & Confidence, Not Fashion
Skit Class - All About Confidence In Front Of People & Working In A Group.
A Performance For The Parents Every Friday
Themed Weeks & MORE!
CAMP LOCATION: We are located at Coral Springs Charter School in Coral Springs Florida, a premier school in Northern Broward County.
▌Read More about Cheerleading, Dance, Manners and More Summer Camp - Coral Springs Florida
CAMP FACILITIES: Are camp activities are held inside air conditioned, various classrooms and the cafeteria.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Since 1994, we have been driven to offer top quality programs for girls that focus on: confidence building, personal pride, fitness, positive role models, friendships, teamwork, manners, cheerleading, dance and FUN!
As a result, we have designed all of our after school programs and camps to provide an exciting, informative and positive experience for girls that is affordable and convenient for their families.
This summer, we are proud to offer 2 of the best summer camps in South Florida for your daughter:
1. Cheerleading, Dance, Manners and More Camp
2. Smart Camp - The BEST All Around Camp Program for Girls!
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: In addition to our Summer Camps, we offer various After School Programs in Broward County Schools.
Coral Springs Charter School
3205 N University Drive
Coral Springs Florida
Phone: (954) 748-5977
Website: Our Camp Website Link:
Ages: 5 to 12
Year Established: 1994
We offer 8 weeks of camp, where every week has a different theme, new curriculum and all new activities!
Camp Date: June 13th through August 5th
Register by the week!
Camp tuition is only $145 per week before April 29th and $155 starting April 30th.
We offer:
Second Child Discounts
Free Per and Post Care
No Registration Fees
Sibling Discounts
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Cheerleading Dance Manners and More Summer CampCoral Springs Florida
Visit Our Rosen JCC Camp J Website
11184 S Apopka Vineland Rd
Orlando, Florida 32836
CAMPER AGES: Traditional Camp (Juniors): Grades K-3, Traditional Camp (Seniors): Grades 4-8), Traditional Camp (Sports): Grades K-3, REP Theatre Camp at the Rosen JCC: Grades K-2 and 3-8, Orlando Science Center Camp at the Rosen JCC: Grades 1-2, Leadership Development Program Grades 6-8, Counselor-in-Training Program Grades 9-10, Early Childhood Camps: 1-4 years old
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Weekdays: 9am - 4pm, extended care available 7am-6:30pm
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp J is more than just a camp – it’s a family! Our caring, supportive counselors teach our campers to become more independent and embrace their curiosity. Choose from a variety of traditional and specialty camps each week, all in our newly expanded indoor youth wing. Camp J is open to all children, from toddlers to teens, and embraces our community’s diversity, welcoming children and families of all backgrounds.
Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Cheerleading, Weightloss, Soccer, Volleyball, Team Sports, Academics, and more. Other Elements Of Sports Camp Include TNBA Jr. Magic Basketball Camp, Kidfit Fitness Camp, & Cooking Camp. Other Elements Of Academics Camps Include IBrickAcademy Lego Camp & Mad Science Camp.
CAMP LOCATION: The Rosen JCC is centrally located to the Dr. Phillips and Windermere communities, and is also easily accessible from Celebration, Hunter’s Creek, Winter Garden, Ocoee, Metrowest and Williamsburg. Please visit our website for more information and photos of Camp J.
▌Read More about Rosen JCC Camp J
CAMP FACILITIES: Our camp facilities feature a gymnasium with indoor basketball courts, an outdoor play area and playground, classrooms, WaterZone and more!
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: We offer three main camp programs including:
Camp J Traditional Camp for children entering grades K-8 provides a well-rounded traditional camp program every week. Campers are placed into groups by age, and participate in a variety of activities like arts and crafts, recreation, music, science, dance, cooking and more!
Camp J Sports is an instructional and recreational sports program within the framework of the General Camp. Campers are placed into a group based on age and skill level, and practice and compete in a variety of sports including basketball, baseball, soccer, hockey, volleyball, dodgeball, and more!
Specialty Camps give campers the opportunity to focus on learning new skills within a specific program area. Ages and dates vary by program. Programs this summer include theater, basketball, art, science, dance and more!
Our new director of Camp J, Betsy has been working at camp for 25 years. It’s a magical place where kids can be themselves and feel accepted and cared for. It’s also a place of learning and growth, where campers can explorer their interests and find out about ones they never had! Our inclusive camp community embraces all campers and gives them all a chance to shine. We hope your family will become part of the Camp J family this summer!
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: We offer a Leadership Development Program for Grades 6-8. This program is the perfect blend of fun at camp, with experiential learning to put them on the path to becoming camp counselors. Participants spend time working with younger campers, learning through hands-on leadership training, and go on a special field trip just for the age group.
We also offer a Counselor-in-Training (CIT) Program for Grades 9-10. Our CIT Program prepares teens to work at camp. CITs are placed with a camper group and participate in workshops to learn child care and leadership skills, and gain valuable work experience.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: School's Out Days: Pack even more fun into your summer! Our School’s Out Day mini-camp program on Thursday, May 31 and Friday, June 1 bridge the end of school and the start of camp.
Saturday Night Out: Each month, the JCC also offers its
Saturday Night Out program for children. Drop your kids off for a fun night of pizza, games and activities with their friends and favorite counselors, while you enjoy a
night out! The program runs 6-11 p.m.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Camp J is a program of the Jack & Lee Rosen Jewish Community Center. We are a cultural institution whose mission is to serve local families and our entire community. Jewish values and culture are the foundation from which we derive our mission. We believe that these values – such as respect, honestly, friendship, and community – are universal.
The Southwest Orlando community is incredibly diverse, and this diversity is embraced in all of our programming. Our goal is to make all campers feel comfortable and included. We are not a religious institution, although we sometimes sing songs with Hebrew words (usually the word “shalom”, or “peace” is a prominent theme), and we do a brief Shabbat celebration on Friday afternoon, which includes a song session filled with spirit (“ruach”) and eating challah bread. We also bring a counselor from Israel to lead our arts and crafts activities, with the intention of exposing our children to a different culture and building a relationship between our communities.
Whether you are Jewish or not, your family will be welcome at Camp J and the JCC. If you have any questions about our program, please don’t hesitate to ask us.
Please visit our website for more information on sessions, dates & fees! Our Camp Website Link:
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Rosen JCC Camp J
Visit Our San Pedro Catholic Camp Website
2400 Dike rd
Winter Park, Florida 32792
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian. Catholic Camp
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Overnight and day camps have daily prayers, two masses throughout the week, and the opportunity for the sacrament of reconciliation. Camps also feature low ropes course, gaga ball, 9 Square in the Air, swimming pool, paddle boats, canoes, water games, arts and crafts, and sports games including as basketball, football, soccer, handball, dodge ball, kickball, and volleyball.
Fine Arts/Crafts, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Volleyball, Adventure, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: We are located on the property of San Pedro Center- 485 acres of protected wetlands and forest on Lake Howell in Winter Park, Florida.
▌Read More about San Pedro Catholic Camp
CAMP FACILITIES: We have 2 dorms, complete with air conditioning and showers, an outdoor pool, a dining hall, outdoor chapel, main lodge for activities and gatherings, a field for sports, and a sand volleyball court. Lake Howell provides a place for canoes and paddleboats.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: San Pedro Catholic Camp is staffed by qualified young men and women who are active in Church ministry and have a deep sense of God in their own lives. All staff members have been screened by the State of Florida, fingerprinted by the Diocese of Orlando, and are well trained for their positions, including certification on working with young people in a safe environment through the American Camp Association.
Overnight and Day Camp participants are offered an opportunity to unplug from distractions and take a step back from everyday life to create important lasting relationships. Our goal is not only to provide a wholesome outdoor life, but to also assist youth in true character and faith formation through the celebration of Mass, daily prayer services, as well as the sacrament of reconciliation.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: All staff participate in a week long training session to prepare them for the upcoming camp sessions. First aid/CPR/AED training is included. Staff will also complete ACA courses online prior to attending camp training.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Scholarships are available on a case by case basis.
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): August 1st-2nd- Experience a night of camp as a family!
Complete listing of camp weeks, themes and rates are listed on our website.
Hiring Head Counselors and Counselors. See website for more info.
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San Pedro Catholic Camp
Visit Our SOAR Website
226 SOAR Lane
Balsam, NC 28707
Wyoming, North Carolina, Florida, New York, California
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: SOAR offers high adventure summer camps for youth with ADHD and other Learning disabilities. Campers participate in exciting adventure activities such as rock climbing, horseback riding, SCUBA diving, llama treks, whitewater rafting, surfing, and much more!
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: SOAR serves youth and young adults diagnosed with ADHD and other Learning Disabilities
Horses/Equestrian, Sailing, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: SOAR has 5 main programming locations: North Carolina, Wyoming, Florida, Northern New York and California as well as several International options.
CAMP FACILITIES: SOAR has two major Base Camp facilities: one in Balsam North Carolina where we have rustic cabins, a dining pavilion, on site showers/bathrooms, high and low ropes course, as well as several gathering campfire locations. The other is in Dubois Wyoming, where we have similar amenities as above except, this base camp is a working horse ranch!
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Philosophy: SOAR believes all individuals identified with learning disabilities (LD) and attention deficit disorder (ADHD) possess inherent talents and gifts. These abilities can mean incredible success in adulthood once these students negotiate the challenging obstacles of childhood, adolescence, and a traditional education system, usually unable to respond to individual learning styles.
SOAR's programs are designed to allow students the opportunity to increase their independence while away from home. Independence is gained through self-motivation and life skills instruction. With this in mind, we involve our students in many decision making processes, such as setting individual goals, developing group guidelines, as well as trip and meal planning. Please view our website for further information at: Our Camp Website Link: or call our Admissions Office at 828-456-3435! Thanks, SOAR Admissions Team
We begin our summer in early June and run through late August Please see our website for program dates at Our Camp Website Link:
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Visit Our Camp Mah-Kah-Wee - Girl Scouts Website
Chuluota, Florida 32766
Girl Scouts of Citrus Council
341 N Mills Ave
Orlando, Fl 32803
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Girls Scouts Summer Camp
Dance, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Weightloss, Soccer, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Team Sports, Math, Science, Technology, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more.
▌Read More about Camp Mah-Kah-Wee - Girl Scouts
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Girl Scouts of Citrus Council registered girls are eligible for camperships
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Year round camping for troops and camporees
Outside User Groups can also reserve facility for camping, retreats, banquets etc
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Camp MahKahWeeGirl Scouts
Visit Our Active Learning Chess and Video Game Design Camps Website
888-652-4377 or 281-257-0078
Over 100 Locations Across the USA
District of Columbia
North Carolina
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island
South Carolina
Active Learning Services
18911 Forest Bend Creek Way
Spring, TX 77379
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Full and Half Day available. 9am-4pm
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: We offer Video Game Design and Chess camps. Students of all experience levels are welcome. We train everyone from beginners to advanced.
Create & program a Unique Video Game that you can actually play! Using our custom curriculum, children learn Gamemaker software by YoYo Games, Kodu software by Microsoft, Minecraft or Scratch by MIT as they create their very own video games.
Learn or hone your skills in the art of Chess with the finest chess instructors in North America. Campers experience chess instruction and play in a fun filled environment! Tuition includes trophy, chess set and much more.
Computers, Technology, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: We have over 100 exceptional locations in more than 25 states. Please visit our website for locations, testimonials, photos and more.
▌Read More about Active Learning Chess and Video Game Design Camps
CAMP FACILITIES: Our camps are held at some of the most beautiful private campuses in America. Visit our website to find a location near you.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Active Learning Services, Ltd operates enrichment programs designed to stimulate creative thinking, improve thinking, logic and memory skills and give children "thinking alternatives" to sports camps and other summer programs. Our programs include chess programs and camps thru USA Chess, Our Gamebuilder Video Game Creation Programs and our Active Learning Computer Enrichment Programs.
Our staff is, comprised of the best children's chess instructors in North America! The USA Chess camps are uniquely qualified to cater to the needs of the advanced scholastic player as well as the true beginner. USA Chess hit its first milestone in the summer of 2000 producing the largest chess camp ever held in the United States, with more than 250 students enrolled. What was most surprising, however, was the amount of absolute beginners in attendance - more than 50% of the total enrollment was just starting to play chess. This realization led to the national rollout tour of 100 camps in more than 70 cities. The annual tours have been immensely successful with several thousand campers attending this year alone.
USA Chess thrives on providing a structured environment that is extremely conducive to learning chess. We handpick the best children's chess instructors from all over the United States and bring them to each camp. We believe our team is most effective in teaching chess to children of all ages and levels. The exceptional organization and ever-fun curriculum has fueled much interest from scholastic players and coaches from around the country, prompting them to request USA Chess camps in their areas.
At the same summer camp locations, we also offer the immensely popular Gamebuilder Video Game Creation Camps, The Active Learning Computer Animation Programs, and other Computer Enrichment Programs such as Modding, Networking and Hosting with Minecraft. We now offer seven unique programs in all.
At these camps, children are assigned a computer for the week; they spend the week learning to create their own one-of- a- kind video games in our Gamebuilder Camps, Animation Projects in our Animation Camps, also Modding, Networking and Hosting with Minecraft.
Please visit our website for all session dates, camp choices and fees.
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Active Learning Chess and Video Game Design Camps
Visit Our Orlando Ballet Junior Intensive at Central Campus Website
415 East Princeton St
Orlando, Florida 32803
CAMPER AGES: OSB students who have completed Level 1A-3, new students age 8 & up
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Keep your child dancing throughout the summer! Classes are available for OBS students to continue their ballet education and for new students to develop and discover a love for ballet. The Jr. Intensive is designed to give students continued intense ballet training as well as expose them to other forms of dance such as jazz, character and musical theatre. Pick the week(s) your child can attend or register for the entire session.
Dance, and more. Ballet
▌Read More about Orlando Ballet Junior Intensive at Central Campus
CAMP FACILITIES: Hard-wood sprung floors covered with Marley (that protect dancers' joints through training), wall length mirrors and ballet Barres give our two classrooms the professional space needed to properly build dancers. Lobby space provides free Wifi.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Orlando Ballet School offers dance classes year round. The regular school year begins in August and ends in May.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Orlando Ballet School is part of the professional ballet company: Orlando Ballet. It is a non-profit organization (Orlando Ballet, Inc.). There are three school branches: Seminole Campus in Longwood, Florida; Central Campus in downtown Orlando, and South Campus in southern Orlando, Florida.
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Orlando Ballet Junior Intensive at Central Campus
Visit Our All-Stars Academy Website
(561) 713 5170
10101 Judge Winikoff Rd
Boca Raton, Florida 33428
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian.
Basketball, Soccer, Tennis, Computers, Math, Academics, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: We are located on 10101 Judge Winikoff Road and 441 North, at Boca Glades Baptist Church.
▌Read More about All-Stars Academy
CAMP FACILITIES: Different classrooms according the age and grade level, we have a game room with pool table, Air Hockey and X box 360, we also have an indoors Gym for different sports and a play ground for all ages.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Foster an environment that provides our members, their family, and our community the balance needed to succeed in life, while maintaining firm core values that will lead them on the path to excellence.
All-Stars Academy is family-owned and operated in Boca Raton, FL. Our staff has over 40 years of combined experience working with kids and training young adults to be successful leaders throughout their different communities and areas of interest.
Our staff has attended different Universities including Butler University, Florida State University, University of Miami, Nova Southeastern University and the University of Florida; where they have obtained Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees in Music, Education, Business and Medicine.
Our staff has also played competitive sports at the collegiate and professional level both nationally and Internationally which includes Basketball, Soccer, Swimming Tennis and Volleyball.
Our services are designed to offer students a safe, supportive, and challenging program that will enhance their cognitive and development skills, while developing/improving their confidence, self-esteem and leadership skills.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Counselor in training, ages 13 -15.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: After School Camp 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Teachers work days
Federal Holidays
Summer Camp
Winter Camp
Spring Camp
OTHER CAMP INFO: FCAT tutoring and preparation for 3 to 6 grades
Please visit: Our Camp Website Link:
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AllStars Academy
Visit Our Orlando Ballet Junior Intensive Website
415 E. Princeton St.
Orlando, Florida 32803
CAMPER AGES: Ages 7-12
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.
Dance, and more.
▌Read More about Orlando Ballet Junior Intensive
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: This day camp has fun filled days with classes at our Central, and South Campuses including ballet, jazz, and musical theatre. It is targeted to beginning and intermediate students ages 7 through 12.
Students can participate in half or full-day sessions. After technique classes are completed, students can have fun with acting classes, arts and crafts, games, and movies.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Orlando Ballet School offers classes year round.
June 9-20, 2014
Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for more information.
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Orlando Ballet Junior Intensive
Visit Our True Fire Fitness Website
(888) 983-3835
13999 Gulf Blvd
Saint Peterburg, Florida 33708
We accept clients from all over the U.S.A. and Canada.
Watch Our True Fire Fitness Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Weekly start dates.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: True Fire Fitness is the first (and only) Christian live-in weight loss camp in the United States. We provide all-inclusive programs that cover room/board/food/activities and more. Our programs are based on biblical principles, and we provide sound Christian counseling.
Basketball, Weightloss, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Travel, and more. We Engage In Quite A Number Of Activities Including Paddleboarding, Trampoline Gym, Obstacle Courses & More.
CAMP LOCATION: We are located within the Skyline of Madeira Beach Resort.
▌Read More about True Fire Fitness
CAMP FACILITIES: We house clients in the condos on the upper floors, and provide counseling / fitness training in our dedicated facilities on the lower floors. There is a salt water pool on site, and we are directly across the street from the Gulf Coast Beach.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our team specializes in helping clients lose weight and keep it off. Our trainers are certified, the food is delicious, the activities are adventurous and the exercise routines are constantly changing to keep things interesting. And our Christian bible-based counseling sessions will help you overcome the factors that caused you to need our expertise in the first place!
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True Fire Fitness
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Football you is a comprehensive football experience, catered to youth athletes of various skill sets. Learn for Certified instructors as well as current high school camp counselors that want to take your athletes game to the next level.
Football, Weightloss, and more.
CAMP FACILITIES: We have new renovated facility with top notch strength and conditioning equipment, turf field, and indoor court space to escape the heat of the summer. See website for more info.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Owning The Trenches is a mentoring organization built around the concept of revitalizing the youth through the means physical, mental and emotional exertion.
It is our mission to make a positive life changing impact on our youth, by not only teaching and empowering them to change; but by equipping them to be the change they want to see. This will be done by establishing and/or improving their academic achievement, self-esteem, social competence, and avoidance of high-risk behavior by building a solid foundation based upon core moral and ethical principles.
Date: JUNE 17TH -21ST
Cost: 155
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Wilson Center for the Arts
Jacksonville , Florida
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, and more.
▌Read More about Camp Broadway
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Broadway®, presented by the FSCJ Artist Series, returns to Jacksonville for its 14th year from Monday, June 16 – Friday, June 20, 2014 from 8:30AM – 5:00PM at the Wilson Center for the Arts! Camp Broadway® introduces young people aged 10 to 17 to the world of Broadway on-stage and behind the scenes. Campers work with Broadway directors, choreographers and musical directors to receive training in acting, scene study, improvisation, music theory, solo and ensemble singing, movement, and dance.
This five-day performing arts program offers each camper the opportunity to expand his or her creative talents, build self-esteem, learn the art of collaboration, and gain a fuller respect and understanding of musical theatre. No singing, dancing, or acting experience necessary - just a willingness to have fun and a curiosity about what happens on stage and behind the curtain!
Applications are still being accepted. Contact Katherine McManus at (904) 442-2932 or email kmcmanus[AT] for more details.
Monday, June 16 – Friday, June 20, 2014
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Camp Broadway
Visit Our Ignite Learning Academy Virtual Summer Camp Website
Virtual - Online
Watch Our Ignite Learning Academy Virtual Summer Camp Video
CAMPER AGES: 3-17, depending on camp
TYPE OF CAMP: Online. M-Th, 2 hours/day
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Summer camps are a great way to have fun, socialize, create, and explore! With new themes each week, there's sure to be a camp that excites your child! Weekly camp themes include cooking, art, LEGO, science, wizards & magic, around the world, coding, and many more! All camps take place via Zoom and one registration covers all children in the same household!
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Children with special needs are welcome to attend!
Fine Arts/Crafts, Computers, Math, Science, Technology, and more. See Specialty Camp Info Below
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CAMP PROGRAM INFO: All camps are run by Ignite Learning Academy, a fully accredited online private school serving students in preschool through grade 12. Camp leaders include faculty, administration, and external experts in the areas they will be teaching.
Around the World Camp
Art Camp: Arts & Crafts with Found Objects
Art Camp: Drawing
Art Camp: Painting
Cooking Camp
DIY/Pinterest Camp
Hawaiian Hullabaloo Camp
JavaScript Coding Camp
Leading Ladies Camp
Mad Science Camp
Outdoor Explorers Camp
Scratch Coding Camp
Wizards & Magic Camp
Storytime & Craft Camp
Please visit Our Camp Website Link: to view the dates associated with each individual camp.
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Ignite Learning Academy Virtual Summer Camp
Visit Our Camp Kulaqua Website
(386) 454-1351
23400 NW 212 Ave
High Springs, Florida 32643
Watch Our Camp Kulaqua Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian.
Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Adventure, and more. Horsemanship Specialty Camp.
CAMP LOCATION: We are located in North Central Florida, close to the Georgia/Florida line and are only 20 miles from Gainesville, FL and within two hours of Orlando or Jacksonville.
CAMP FACILITIES: We have cabins and lodges, as well as adult-style lodging, gymnasium, cafeteria, 3 different indoor meeting facilities, 4 outdoor locations with various themes (indian camp, etc), on-site spring for swimming with blob and swing, on-site water park,
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Kulaqua's unique program allows camps ages 7 to 17 to come to camp at the same time while providing camper's their own individualized experience.
Each age group is divided into tracks: Cub Camp (ages 7-9), Junior Camp (ages 10-12), & Teen Camp (ages 13-16). We have found that providing a camper with a program that is specifically designed for them, they are happier and more interested.
Our camp counselors are trained through an ACA accredited program especially for their chosen age group and you can rest assured that your camper will be taken care of by our energetic staff.
Camp has designed a program just for their age group, giving them worship songs they will enjoy and skits they’ll love. We want to bring God to your child in a way that they will be able to experience His love and come to know Him in a lasting relationship.
Does your camper dream of horses? Do they neigh in their sleep and post photos of horses all over their room? Then Camp Kulaqua’s Horsemanship camp is the place for them! During this week of camp, your camper will have the opportunity to learn all of the basics of horse care including: grooming, feeding, equipment maintenance, and equine first aid. Your camper will have their ‘own’ horse for the week that they get to groom, ride, and spend their week with.
Your cowboy/cowgirl will learn basic riding technique and skills with their horse and come back full of stories from their trail bag. Don’t worry, they will also get to participate in the other activities camp has to offer, like the water park, spring, and go-carts. And if that isn’t fun enough, evening programs are full of upbeat songs, amusing skits, and a dynamic speaker. This week is jam-packed with fun, activities, and God’s magnificent creature- the horse.
Teen Mountain Adventure:
A trip to the mountains of Tennessee!
Harness the river on a guided whitewater rafting trip down the Ocoee River, site of the 1196 Olympic Whitewater events.
Try rappelling or rock climbing: the natural rock climbing wall is a great place to take rock climbing lessons or practice climbing techniques and safety tips.
Test your interpersonal and team building skills on one of the best Alpine towers available.
Take the challenge of the Zipline course events that are supervised by trained instructors at Historic Banning Mills
Adventure out on a hiking trek through the Cherokee National Forest.
This mountain adventure camp is jam packed with extreme fun; grab your backpack and sign up today for this exciting week with Camp Kulaqua into the mountains!
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Staff in Training is a Specialty program that not only gives you the skills to apply at a summer camp, but will also provide you with job skills that could take you into many job markets. You will spend 2 weeks at Camp Kulaqua learning job skills and could earn certifications recognized by camps and the professional markets such as:
>Professional CPR
>First Aid
>Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
>Water Park Lifeguard
>Water Front Lifeguard
>Safe Food Service Cert
....and many others
In addition, you will learn basic job hunting skills such as filling out applications, personal grooming, and interviewing. Upon completion, participants may also be eligible to earn many Pathfinder honors. You will also enjoy summer camp programs and activities from a different perspective.
June 1-8, 2014
June 8-15, 2014
June 15-22, 2014
Dates & Fees can be located at our website at: Our Camp Website Link:
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Camp Kulaqua
Visit Our Alper JCC Summer Camp Website
305-271-9000 x271
11155 SW 112th Avenue
Miami, Florida 33176
11155 SW 112th Avenue
Miami, FL 33176
CAMPER AGES: 13 Months to 9th Grade
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. 2,4,6 or 8-week intervals. Camp Hours: 9am to 4pm
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: CAMP TIKVAH Special Needs Eligibility screening required for first-time campers and yearly evaluations for returning campers. 4 or 8-week sessions - 8:30am - 3:30pm
What's Exciting In CAMP TIKVAH Dynamic opportunities abound at CAMP TIKVAH, an exceptional camping experience for children with special needs. The programs are specifically designed for children between the ages of 3-8, 9-12 and 13-21 who have cognitive and/or physical disabilities.
All activities are developed with the particular needs of the special child in mind. A stimulating environment with hands-on experiences is created for your child. The program is designed to instill confidence, develop social and life skills, increase attention span and improve fine and gross motor abilities.
Campers participate in the general camp, on an individual basis, where appropriate. *Must be registered in school in order to participate in camp & have a current EIP.
The JCC offers an inclusion program for high-functioning special needs campers. Throughout the day, campers will have an advocate to guide them and they will be part of a general camp bunk.
You must meet with Johana Sarmiento Special Needs Director, before registration is accepted.
Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Weightloss, Soccer, Swimming, Computers, Science, Technology, Adventure, and more.
Other Featured Activities:
- Swim Program With Swim Gym. Children Ages 3 & Older Receive Swim Lessons In Our Jr. Olympic Size Pool. Swim Program Includes Instruction & Age-appropriate Water Games (Children Must Be Toilet Trained).
- Over 40 Hobby Hour Activities.
- Adventure Camp For Tsofim & Rishonim Which Includes Challenging Skill Building Trips.
- Overnight Trips For Rishonim Campers In Addition To Optional Long Distance Trips.
- A High Level Computer Program.
- Late Night Adventures During Each Session Of Camp.
- Team Building Programs That Promote Good Sportsmanship & Cooperation.
- Specialists: Highly Trained Professionals Who Instruct In Nature & Science, Visual & Performing Arts, & Sports, Which Includes Baseball, Tennis, Basketball, Soccer Football & Martial Arts.
- Ruach-extraordinary Spirit Led By Three Music Directors.
- An Inclusion Program For High Functioning Special Needs Campers.
- Special Events For All Campers.
▌Read More about Alper JCC Summer Camp
- Air-conditioned gymnasium - 15,000 sq. ft.
- Age-appropriate playgrounds
- Beautiful boating lake with canoeing & remodeled dock
- Computer lab
- Two indoor racquetball courts
- Fully equipped art and ceramic studio
- Outdoor Jr. Olympic-size pool
- Professional theater
- Seven hard surface tennis courts
- Six baseball fields
- Teaching kitchen
- Two fully mirrored dance studio
Sports Camp
Campers Entering 2nd-9th Grades
SPORTS CAMP is an in-depth, state-of-the-art athletic experience designed for boys and girls. Under the guidance of our certified, professional staff, campers participate in a wide variety of sports using the Alper JCC’s outstanding facilities. Campers are grouped according to age and participate in activities with their bunkmates.
What's Exciting In SPORTS CAMP:
- Daily instructional American Red Cross Swim Program is led by fully trained Water Safety Instructors in the Jr. Olympic-size pool. - Baseball - Basketball - Canoeing, Fishing, Kayaking - Field trips - Fitness/Cardio-Vascular & Strength Training (6th - 8th grades) - Football - Hobby Hour (over 40 choices) - Late night (optional each session) - Martial Arts - Rocketry - Soccer program run by Super Soccer Stars - SPINNING® (6th - 8th grades)
Performing Arts Camp
Campers Entering 3rd-9th Grades
What's Exciting In HABIMAH
Lights, Camera, Action! HABIMAH campers expand their horizons and artistic potential in dance, drama, art and music. Under the guidance of our highly trained and talented staff, campers are immersed in a high level, 4-week production schedule filled with rehearsals, set designing, and a final musical performance at the end of each session.
In addition to the arts, campers will participate in fitness activities, an instructional water games program and expanded Hobby Hour choices.
- Camp Director Elyse Molk & Co-Camp Director Dave Madden and their talented and fun-loving staff
- Camp units have adult supervisors (Chaverim, Sabra, etc)
- Full-time camp nurse
- High return of staff each year
- JCC Fitness Center professionals
- Low camper to counselor ratio
- Specialists - highly trained professionals instruct nature and science, visual and performing arts, and sports
- Staff are trained in group dynamics, child development,
building self-esteem and peer relationships
- Staff members have completed Miami-Dade County
background checks
Hobby Hour Activities
- 3-D Multi Media Art - Adventures in Art - Artistic Accessories - Arts and Crafts - Baseball- Basketball - Canoeing and Fishing - Cardio Fitness/Nutrition - Cardio Fitness - Aerobics/ SPINNING® - Cardio Vascular Training - Ceramics or Wheel throwing - Cheerleading - Chess - Computers - Drama or Summer Stock - Field Games - Football - Gourmets in the Kitchen - Hip Hop/Jazz - Jewelry Making - Kids Cuisine - Martial Arts - Nature - Painting and Drawing - Robotics - Rocketry - Science Wizardry - Soccer - Spinning - Swim/Pool Games - Tennis - Water Polo - Watercolor - Woodworking -
Leader In Training- LIT
Entering 9th Grade
HADRACHA combines leadership training with a fun camp experience. LITs will work with campers and travel on field trips or participate in leadership and team building programs for 2 days. LITS will participate in mitzvah ("good deed") projects and trips. Additionally, one day will be spent at the JCC working on camp wide special events programming, and spending time with campers. An interview process and acceptance is required for admission into the LIT program. 25 Community Service hours will be awarded for each 4-week session.
Counselor In Training- CIT
Entering 10th Grade
Madrich CITs assist in camp groups and learn hands on skills as well as knowledge gained in leadership training sessions. A $100 stipend is given and 160 Community Service hours are awarded for each 4-week session. An interview is required for admission into the CIT program. Please contact Lene Saeger, x271, to schedule an interview. CIT staff requirement: 8 weeks preferred. Consideration will be given to 4-week applicants on an availability basis.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: For questions or more information about Summer Camp and financial aid please contact the Camp Office at 305-271-9000 x271
OTHER CAMP INFO: K'TANIM: 13 months-3 years
CHAVERIM: 3-4 years old by August 31
KADIMA: Campers Entering Kindergarten
SABRA (and JR. MACCABI SPORTS CAMP): Campers Entering 1st Grade
BONIM: Campers Entering 2nd Grade
HALUTZIM: Campers Entering 3rd Grade
TSOFIM: Campers entering 4th-6th Grades
RISHONIM: Campers Entering 7th-9th Grade
HABIMAH - Performing Arts Camp: Campers Entering 3rd-9th Grades
MACCABI - Sports Camp: Campers Entering 2nd-9th Grades
2014 Camp Dates
Session 1:
1A: June 16 - 27
1B: June 30 - July 11
No camp Friday, July 4
Session 2:
2A: July 14 - 25
2B: July 28 - August 8
You can attend for 2,4,6 or 8-week intervals.
Camp Hours:
9am to 4pm
Early & Late Care Available
Visit Our Camp Website Link: for Fees and Registration forms or call 305-271-9000 x 271
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Alper JCC Summer Camp
Visit Our Schooner Freedom Tall Ship Summer Sailing Camp Website
(904) 810-1010
111 Avenida Menendez
Suite D/Slip 86
Saint Augustine, Florida 32084
CAMPER AGES: 6-12 grade
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Sailing, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Our tall ship is berthed at the St. Augustine Municipal Marina, located in historic downtown St. Augustine. Our target sailing area are the waters between St. Augustine, FL and Cumberland Island, GA.
▌Read More about Schooner Freedom Tall Ship Summer Sailing Camp
CAMP FACILITIES: Freedom is an authentic replica of a nineteenth century blockade-runner. She is a double masted, gaff-rigged, topsail schooner. Naval architect Merritt Walters and his marine construction company, Rover Marine, Inc., designed and built Freedom, the first of his many Rover schooners, in 1982 in Norfolk, Virginia.
The Schooner Freedom is built of steel with aluminum masts and spars. The Freedom’s sparred length is 76 feet while her length on deck is 64 feet. Freedom’s beam is a 15 feet 4 inches and her draft is a little less than 6 feet. Her mast height is 62 feet and she carries a total sail area of 2400 feet. She has bunks for 20 overnight passengers, 2 captains, and 4 crew. She has a complete galley, salon, and head. She carries all the appropriate safety and life saving gear, which, along with the crew and vessel, is inspected and licensed by the United States Coast Guard on an annual basis.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: This upcoming summer we are proud to announce that we will be offering 2 one week-long sailing camps. Sailors will be placed in the week that corresponds with the grade they will be entering. The sailing camp introduces teens to life aboard a classic schooner while sailing the northeast Florida and southeast Georgia coast.
Campers will come aboard and take over! We will have a blast sailing, fishing, swimming, exploring barrier islands, kayaking, and making memories to last a lifetime. Parents will be kept updated on their sailors location and fun by frequent blog posts and a closed Facebook group, updated at least twice daily.
Nothing gives a sailor more joy than knowing they can confidently take the helm or set a sail on a tall ship. Our goal is to instill in our sailors a respect for the ocean, a love for the traditions of tall ship sailing, and, more than anything, to experience the sheer joy of a fresh breeze in the sails, the glory of a starry night at anchorage, and the bonding that takes place between a crew at sea.
Our captains are all 100 tons Masters, licensed by the United States Coast Guard, with certifications in sailing, as well as CPR and First Aid. Our captains and crew are all subject to pre-employment and random alcohol and drug tests, monitored by the U.S. Coast Guard. Our captains and crew combine for a total of over 50 years of traditional tall ship sailing experience.
July 21 - July 27, 2014 - sailors entering 6th - 8th grade
July 28 - August 3, 2014 - sailors entering 9th - 12th grade
The cost of the 1 week camp is $1350 per camper and includes all meals and camp t-shirts. A 50% deposit is due upon acceptance to the camp with the balance due one month before departure.
Spots are limited and booked on a first come, first served basis.
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Schooner Freedom Tall Ship Summer Sailing Camp
Visit Our Camp Illahaw at Forever Florida Website
4755 N Kenansville Rd
St. Cloud, Florida 34773
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Illahaw is owned and operated by the Allen Broussard Conservancy, a non-profit organization established in 1991. Since 2005, Camp Illahaw has offered campers the chance to experience all Florida has to offer with a diverse selection of fun activities from Horseback Trail Rides; Arena Activities; Florida History/Heritage; Low Ropes Challenge Course; Hiking; Kayaking; Archery; Shooting; Swimming, Paintball*; and our “unique” Outdoor Survival Activity*. We are home to Central Florida’s longest zipline and the Thrill Pack which includes the first roller coaster zipline in the United States!
Soccer, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Volleyball, Team Sports, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Camp Illahaw is conveniently located just 1 hour southeast of Orlando, 30 minutes west of Melbourne, 45 minutes east of Kissimmee and just 2 hours northeast of Tampa. I-95 and Florida’s Turnpike provide easy access from North and South Florida.
▌Read More about Camp Illahaw at Forever Florida
CAMP FACILITIES: Camp Illahaw’s “Cow-Town” Look. Camp Illahaw sports the theme of “Old Florida”. Our Mess Hall, Bathhouse, Counselor Cabin, and Recreation Room are the beginning of Main Street. Boys and Girls Dorm
Set in the style of an old-Florida cracker-town from the 1800′s, our dormitories and activity rooms serve as the perfect home base for the week’s activities. We have a boys dorm and a girls dorm each with 32 camper capacity. Counselor to camper ratio is 6:1 at night so counselors stay in the dorm with campers all night. With so much to do, campers can stay for multiple weeks with no additional charge for overnights between sessions and we also offer laundry service free of charge!
The Florida EcoSafaris at Forever Florida Visitor Center is home to the Cypress Restaurant, the Florida EcoSafaris at Forever Florida Marketplace and serves as the departure point for fun safaris offered through Florida EcoSafaris at Forever Florida.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Illahaw is owned and operated by the Allen Broussard Conservancy, a non-profit organization established in 1991. Since 2005, Camp Illahaw has offered campers the chance to experience all Florida has to offer with a diverse selection of fun activities from Horseback Trail Rides; Arena Activities; Florida History/Heritage; Low Ropes Challenge Course; Hiking; Kayaking; Archery; Shooting; Swimming, Paintball*; and our “unique” Outdoor Survival Activity*. We are home to Central Florida’s longest zipline and a full Eco Park Safari which includes the first roller coaster zipline in the United States!
At Camp Illahaw, not only do we concentrate on camper activities but also their social interactions under the guidance of camp directors and counselors assuring a safe and fun experience for everyone. All camp employees are certified in CPR and First Aid annually. As required by Florida State Law they are also fingerprinted and verified through the FBI and Child Protective Services.
Camp Illahaw hosts campers from all over the world from as far away as Spain, France, Germany and Russia! Many of our counselors also come from around the world England, Scotland, Germany, New Zealand, Poland, Iceland, Turkey, Australia and South Africa. They are sponsored by Camp America
Camp Illahaw offers eight (8) one week overnight sessions beginning June 8th thru August 2nd for summer 2014. Boys and Girls ages 10 to 15 are eligible to attend. The camp is owned and operated by the Allen Broussard Conservancy, a nonprofit organization.
We are located in St. Cloud, Florida on a 4700 acre ranch known as Florida Eco Safaris at Forever Florida. Campers get to experience life on a real Florida ranch and explore Florida EcoSafaris at Forever Florida’s 9 diverse ecosystems while they are learning horseback skills, enjoying indoor and outdoor activities. It is a place where friendships and memories are made for a lif
The CIT Program seeks to teach young people about responsibility, authority, and hard work that will prepare them to be counselors and leaders in the future, or to prepare them for college life. Being a camp counselor is a great summer job for college students. Our CIT program is a great way for young adults to gain the necessary experience and qualities needed to secure a job. Many camps look for past camp experience or CIT program experience. We prefer our CIT’s be past Camp Illahaw campers but it isn’t required.
You will also earn 50 community hours per week!
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Kayaking, Archery, Target Shooting, Skeet Shooting, Horsemanship, Heritage, Paintball
8 Weekly Sessions Beginning June 7, 2015!
Just $575 Per Session!
Session 1 – June 7 ————> Full Payment due by June 3
Session 2 – June 14 ————> Full Payment due by June 10
Session 3 – June 21 ————> Full Payment due by June 17
Session 4 – June 28 ————> Full Payment due by June 24
Session 5 – July 5 ————> Full Payment due by July 1
Session 6 – July 12 ————> Full Payment due by July 8
Session 7 – July 19 ————> Full Payment due by July 15
Session 8 – July 26 ————> Full Payment due by July 22
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Camp Illahaw at Forever Florida
Visit Our Camp Kateri Website
(877) 764-5237
183 Shalom Camp Trail
Hawthorne, FL 32640
Girl Scouts of Gateway Council
1000 Shearer Ave
Jacksonville, FL 32205
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Weekly residential sessions.
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Girl Scouts.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Open to ALL girls ages 6-17, Camp Kateri is a 550-acre sleep-away camp located 45 minutes southeast of Gainesville, Florida.
Week-long sessions begin on Sunday and end Friday. Campers live in cabins, platform tents, and tree houses. Each unit house has flush toilets, running water and electricity.
Our activities include archery, swimming, canoeing, kayaking, equestrian, creative arts, STEM, and outdoor skills.
Camp Kateri is owned and operated by the Girl Scouts of Gateway Council. You do not have to be a Girl Scout to enroll.
Dance, Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Team Sports, Math, Science, Technology, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more.
Archery, Canoeing, Kayaking, Swimming, Outdoor Skills, STEM, Crafts, Dance, & More!
CAMP LOCATION: All girls welcome! We are located half an hour southeast of Gainesville, FL, on 550 acres with two beautiful lakes for aquatics!
CAMP FACILITIES: Open-air cabins, platform tents, treehouses, unit houses and bathhouses, dining hall, equestrian center, archery range, all beautifully ensconced between two pristine lakes.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: ACA accredited! Our staff are fully certified in their areas of expertise--archery, canoeing, kayaking, sailing, equestrian, and more--and everyone is trained in First Aid and CPR. We love singing crazy songs, doing zany things, and making funky crafts! Check out our website for sessions and more info at: Our Camp Website Link:
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Serving as a camp counselor is simultaneously the toughest and most satisfying job you’ll ever have, and the Camp Kateri Counselor-in-Training (CIT) program is an important step towards that exciting path.
For more information and/or to apply for our CIT program, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Sorry, no financial aid is available at this time, but many campers subsidize / cover camp tuition through Cookie sales.
2016 Camp Sessions:
Behold the Great Outdoors (Week 1 / June 12-17) to earn an Outdoors Badge
Around the World (Week 2 / June 19-24) for a cosmopolitanly good time.
What is Life but a Great Adventure? (Week 3 / June 19-24 to earn an Adventure Badge
Everyday is a Celebration (Week 4 / July 5-8) enjoy a new holiday every day.
Aren’t YOU Quite the Crafty One? (Week 5 / July 10-15) to earn a Crafts Badge.
Kateribean (Week 6 / July 17-22) for swashbuckling piratical fun.
For more info and/or to register for one of these exciting sessions, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:
Friends, Fun, & Mad Skills!
This is the official 2016 Camp Kateri theme, and it's as exciting as it sounds.
The true value of resident camp runs much deep. All camp activities are designed to help the girls develop strong relationships (Friends), build confidence through personal growth (Mad Skills!), while - of course - enjoying the whole camp experience (Fun).
Campers have a lot of great choices at Camp Kateri, including two levels of Counselor-in-Training (CIT) programs and 6 different weekly themes.
For more info on the CIT programs, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:
For more information on the 2016 Camp Kateri sessions, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:
Do you love working with kids? Like to be outdoors? If so, then Girl Scouts Camp Kateri offers the BEST JOBS ON THE PLANET!
Located about 45 minutes southeast of Gainesville, we're looking for staff to work with children in fun activities like canoeing, kayaking, crafts, archery, dance, teambuilding, STEM, outdoor skills, etc.
We also need a Lifeguards, Cooks, Kitchen Aides, a Business Manager, and a whole myriad of other groovy roles (we still say groovy, right?). If you like kids, we probably have a spot that's perfect for you.
Apply for one of the Best Jobs on the Planet at: Our Camp Website Link:
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Camp Kateri
Visit Our iSG Camps Website
Many US & Canada Locations
Ohio, Texas, North Carolina, California, Florida, Michigan, Washington DC, Kentucky, Minnesota, Utah, Arizona, Oregon, Alabama, Georgia, Oklahoma, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Kansas, Louisiana, Canada
4449 Easton Way Suite 200
Columbus, Ohio 43219
Watch Our iSG Camps Video
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: What Makes iSG Camps Unique? Our holistic commitment to age-specific drills and activities provides each camper with a unique set of tools that are not traditionally taught in the typical basketball camp. In addition to athletic skills, campers receive valuable nutrition and life lesson tips to help them achieve success in every area of their lives.
Basketball, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Please visit our website Our Camp Website Link: for upcoming dates & locations near you.
• Every camper has the ability to reach his/her full potential.
• Sportsmanship is an integral part of competition.
• Each person is unique and should be treated with respect and kindness.
• Counselors and instructors serve as role models for campers. Positive relationships between counselors and campers build confidence and self-esteem.
Camp should be fun and engaging!
• To build each camper’s self-esteem, sportsmanship, leadership skills, and athletic abilities.
• To promote a healthy, wholesome lifestyle.
• To create a positive and safe environment for campers to learn.
OTHER CAMP INFO: iSG Camps is a division of the International Sporting Group based in Columbus, Ohio. The management of iSG Camps has been operating youth sports camps for over 19 years with a high rate of customer satisfaction. Camps are well organized and designed so that the designated professional athlete can easily come in and interact with youth participants.
We recognize the benefits of sports participation for youth. We work with athletes of all levels. Our priority is to get children involved in physical activity and to help alleviate the ‘couch potato’ mentality that many young people are faced with. For more athletic students, our goal is to help elevate them to the next level. Being involved in our program gives children a sense of belonging, achievement and success that they can then take with them and use in their everyday lives.
MORE INFO: Our Camp Website Link:
To be considered for a coaching position at our events please complete the form at: Our Camp Website Link:
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iSG Camps
Visit Our Horseback Riding Camp St Pete Clearwater Website
6080 94th Ave
Pinellas Park, Florida 33782
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Team Sports, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Horseback Riding Summer Camp
CAMP LOCATION: We are located in Tampa Bay, in the middle of Pinellas County. 15 Minutes away from St Petersburg, Tampa and Clearwater. Visit our website for more information.
▌Read More about Horseback Riding Camp St Pete Clearwater
CAMP FACILITIES: We are a equestrian center, with two barns, a horseback riding arena, camp lounge, and plenty of shade. We have access to Pinellas Parks local horseback riding trails.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our staff are all highly trained equine professionals, who will be teaching campers about looking after and riding horses. the program includes daily horse back riding lessons, hands on horse activities such as carriage rides, equine yoga, trail rides, as well as hours of fun horse related arts, games and demonstrations. This is the perfect chance for children to become involved with horses in a fun interactive environment focus around safety and learning about horses.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Horseback Riding Lessons, Equine Yoga, Carriage Rides, Youth Riding Program, Day Camps, Pubic Horseback Tral Rides
Our 2014 Summer Camp runs Monday through Friday from June 2nd to August 15th. Visit our website to down load camp flyer and get more information
Looking for individuals, with prior horse experience to work through the summer, at both our farms running summer camps and guiding trail rides.
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Horseback Riding Camp St Pete Clearwater
Visit Our Florida Special Touch Get Away Website
237 Golden Bough Rd
Lake Wales, Florida 33898
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Florida Get Away is a 5-day overnight camp for individuals of all ages and abilities to experience the best week of the year!
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: All recreation is designed with the varying special needs in mind.
Fine Arts/Crafts, Soccer, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Team Sports, and more. Recreational Activities Include Field Games, Swimming, Hayrides, Talent Show, Dance, Arts & Crafts, Bingo, Boat Rides. Zip Line, Archery. Ladies Spa Day, Ineractive Shpels & So Much More!
CAMP LOCATION: Located on the beautiful campus of Lake Aurora Christian camp . on route 60 midway in the state.
▌Read More about Florida Special Touch Get Away
CAMP FACILITIES: We have cabins for appropriate age grouping as well as accessible cabins, beautiful lake for swimming and boat rides. special arts and crafts room, shaded rec areas and chapel for meetings, talent show and dance.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Staffed 24/7 with professional medical staff and qualified volunteers.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: there is a great program for youth to volunteer - ages 14-17. Contact us or view info on our website for the CIT program (caregivers in training)
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: please conatcat us for a financial need and possible limited scholarship
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Family members are invited to register.
OTHER CAMP INFO: The Florida Get Away is described by our campers as 'the best week of the year.'
May 29 - June 2. Register at our website Our Camp Website Link:
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Florida Special Touch Get Away
Visit Our Jacksons Gymnastics Summer Camp Website
7101 Presidents Drive #399
Orlando, Florida 32809
CAMPER AGES: 3 and up
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily 9am-4pm/Extended Day 8am-5:30
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian. USA Gymnastics Member Club 2014-2015
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Coed Summer Gymnastics Camp. Boys and Girls will do all the gymnastics events. In addition, they will jump on the Tumbltrak and play in our in-ground tumbling pit. Fun conditioning and games make the day lots of Fun!
Gymnastics, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: We are located on Presidents Drive, 1 light north of Sandlake Road, off of John Young Parkway. Turn right and we are the third building on the Left. 7101 Presidents Drive #399.
▌Read More about Jacksons Gymnastics Summer Camp
CAMP FACILITIES: The gym is 13,000 square feet and fully equipped with gymnastics and tumbling equipment. We have kid's size gymnastics equipment also, as well as a tumbletrak and an inground pit.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Jacksons Gymnastics is a USA Gymnastics Member Club. Our coaching staff are all professional members of USA Gymnastics and Safety Certified.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Jacksons Gymnastics offers a full recreational gymnastics and tumbling program for boys and girls of all ages.
June 8-August 21st.
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Jacksons Gymnastics Summer Camp
Visit Our L.A. Acting Workshop Website
1575 S. Maguir Rd.
Ocoee, FL 34761
More than 6 months ago. Contact camp for the latest 2025 camp info.
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Morning sessions, afternoon sessions, all day sessions
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Dance, Theater, Music/Band, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: We are located one block south of highway 50 on Maguire Road, next to the West Orange 5 Theatre.
▌Read More about L.A. Acting Workshop
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: If your child loves to entertain and be the center of attention, or even if he/she has an interest in having fun with other youngsters around the same age, Summer Performing Arts Camp 2013 is the place for them! Why not provide them with the opportunity to delve into the fun of exploring the theatre arts. The potential benefits are endless and include increased self-esteem, structured and meaningful social interaction, the opportunity to creatively express themselves, inc.
These camps are met with an extremely high demand each summer! There is a selection of six (6) different week-long sessions to choose from. Or why not enroll your child in all six (6) to allow him/her to experience the summer of a lifetime!
For further information, contact Amy Allen, Director, at 407-876-0006, visit our website at Our Camp Website Link:, or email us at info[AT]
Each weekly session is available for $150 - this entitles the student to a role in "The Greatest Show On Earth" scheduled for the last hour of the Friday during each weekly session. There is a full day option for $325 that includes a supervised lunch hour. This is a popular option as your child will perform in two (2) productions!
Sessions available:
Session 1 - "Pirates of the Caribbean" (June 10-14, 2013) 9 AM - Noon
Session 2 - "Grease" (June 10-14, 2013) 1 - 4 PM
Session 3 - "Monsters, Inc." (June 17-21, 2013) 9 AM - Noon
Session 4 - "School of Rock" (June 17-21, 2013) 1 - 4 PM
Session 5 - "Aladdin" (June 24-28, 2013) 9 AM - Noon
Session 6 - "Charlie & the Chocolate Factory" (June 24-28, 2013) 1 - 4 PM
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LA Acting Workshop
FLORIDA CAMP PARENTS & CAMPERS: If you are looking to find a summer camp to attend this summer, please check out our 2025 GUIDE TO CHOOSING THE BEST SUMMER CAMP for some great camp research tips and lots of important summer camp info, and come back again soon when our new 2025 Best Florida Camps Directory is complete.
In addition to our 2025 Florida Summer Camps Directory we have also created quite a few SPECIAL INTEREST CAMP DIRECTORIES, and have included brief descriptions of these and links to their dedicated websites on the 2025 CAMP GUIDE page.