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ABA Social Skills Summer Camp
Oviedo, Florida

Visit Our ABA Social Skills Summer Camp Website
848 Executive Drive
Oviedo, Florida 32765

848 Executive Dr, Oviedo, FL 32765



CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: If your child is having a difficult time making friends, we can help! In collaboration with our ABA therapy company, Interventions Unlimited, and using the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), this program will focus on improving your child’s social communication by teaching core strategies that will allow him or her to develop and maintain friendships with peers. We utilize a variety of social skills curricula to teach language skills and promote social interaction. Our activities are fun, creative, and designed specifically to target your child’s social challenges. Through cooperative games and team building activities, the children practice perspective-taking and emotional self-control, learn to recognize verbal and nonverbal social cues, as well as practice conversational skills and good sportsmanship. Most importantly, they learn how to make friends and have FUN in a low student to teacher ratio environment. We also have in-house field trips and other fun activities such as visits from the Ice truck incorporated into the camp.

Academics, and more. Social Skills.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located in Oviedo, just east of Orlando off 417 Red bug lake road. 848 Executive Drive, Oviedo Fl 32765.

CAMP FACILITIES: We have over 8 therapy rooms in our Alpine Academy and 3 therapy rooms in our Interventions Unlimited building. the classrooms are small with great computers and activities, toys, and learning material.

A team of highly qualified educators and behavior analysts work with both students and parents to help children reach their maximum potential. Using the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis and evidence-based teaching methods, our dedicated and trained staff will teach the necessary skills for success in a fun and loving environment. Low student to teacher ratio and data driven instruction drive the overwhelming success of the Academy. We serve children with autism, Asperger's Syndrome, PDD-NOS, ADHD, ADD, SLD Down Syndrome, and children without a specific diagnosis.

Why choose Alpine Academy for your child?

• Aiming High: At Alpine Academy, we work with you and your child by establishing mutually agreed upon individual educational goals, which are reviewed and revised quarterly. Students are placed at their individual instructional level and allowed to master skills as rapidly and frequently as they are able. Students advance only after solid mastery of prerequisite skills. We have high expectations for our students and spend extensive time with each student to ensure his or her skill development reaches its maximum potential.

• Achieving: At Alpine Academy, student achievement is our top priority. We ensure that students will be successful by selecting only evidence-based sequences of instruction and continuously measuring progress toward selected objectives. We constantly evaluate our teaching methods to ensure that the students are learning efficiently. We focus on creating a positive and rewarding learning experience, so the students enjoy learning and become motivated learners, as learning is a life-long journey.

• Collaborating: At Alpine, parents are our most valuable educational partners. We provide individualized attention to each family's specific needs to ensure skills learned in the classroom transition smoothly into each child's home and daily lives. We understand the importance of your involvement and actively work with you to facilitate positive outcomes.

Educational Programs
Social Academic Program

Have you often felt that your child may be too “high functioning” for a self contained ESE classroom, yet he or she is “struggling” in a regular education classroom? If so, our school may be the option for you. At Alpine Academy, we have designed a specific program to help meet the needs of your child. Our social academic program is designed to meet the particular academic and social needs of high functioning students with Autism, ADD, ADHD, and Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD).

The core curriculum used in our academic programs is Direct Instruction. DI is a model that emphasizes carefully-planned lessons focused on learning in small increments and focuses instruction around clearly-defined teaching tasks. DI is based on the theory that by using clear instruction and teaching to mastery, teachers can accelerate learning for all students – high performers as well as students with learning disabilities.

Under DI, students will be placed in flexible, homogeneous groups in reading, language, and math. Students are expected to score 90% or higher on the daily and weekly assessments. Skills are taught and scaffolded along the way so that 85% of each lesson reviews previously taught skills and 15% of instruction is introducing new skills. Students advance through the program only once they have demonstrated mastery of the concepts. Students who show exceptional progress can fast-cycle through lessons if they show continued mastery of concepts. Students are individually assessed every 5 to 10 lessons, and their progress is meticulously tracked by the teacher.

Language and Learning Skills Program

This program is intended for students who need basic language and academic skills. This program uses the ABLLS-R (Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills) as an assessment tool, curriculum guide, and skills-tracking system. ABLL-R is used to help guide the instruction of language and critical learning skills for children with autism or other developmental disabilities. The ABLLS-R provides a comprehensive review of 544 skills from 25 skill areas including language, social interaction, self-help, academic, and motor skills which most typically developing children acquire prior to entering kindergarten. The task items within each skill area are arranged from simple to more complex tasks. Expressive language skills are assessed based upon the behavioral analysis of language as presented by Dr. B.F. Skinner in his book, Verbal Behavior (1957).

Functional/Vocational Skills Program

Our Functional Skills Program is designed to prepare students for greater independence through functional skills instruction. This program uses the Assessment of Functional Living Skills(AFLS) to assess, track, and develop an appropriate sequence of goals for learners. The AFLS tracks progress in six different modules: Basic Living Skills, Home Skills, Community Participation Skills, Vocational Skills, and Independent Living Skills.

Please visit our website Our Camp Website Link:

We have a team of over 40 behavior analysts, behavior therapists, special educators and Infant Toddler Developmental Specialists. Our staff are highly skilled, experienced, dedicated, and caring professionals.

All our behavior analysts hold state or national Board Certification in applied behavior analysis. Some of them also hold credentials in exceptional education. Our therapists also have years of experience working with persons who have learning and behavioral difficulties.

Our teachers are trained in teaching children with autism and children with other developmental disablities using effective teaching methods based on the priciples of ABA. They are also trained in verbal behavior.

Jing Zhou, M.S., BCBA, President and Executive Director

Jing Zhou is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. She received her M.S. in Behavior Analysis and Therapy from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale in 1993. She has extensive experience working with individuals with autism, Asperger's Syndrome, mental handicaps, traumatic brain injury, emotional disabilities, and other developmental disabilities. She specializes in setting up verbal behavior programs, teaching functional communication and social skills, decreasing severe problem behaviors, as well as school and inclusion consultation.

Jing has given numerous presentations at state and national conferences. She has also conducted countless workshops and training sessions for educators, direct-care staff, home-therapy teams, parents, and other caregivers in the United States and in other countries. She holds memberships in the Association for Behavior Analysis, Florida Association for Behavior Analysis, Autism Society of America, and the Council for Exceptional Children.

Jing has over 20 years experience working in home, school, community, and residential settings. She has extensive experience setting up home and school programs, and training parents and school staff to carry out these programs.

Jing has developed many services to meet the different needs of children and their families. She ensures that Interventions Unlimited continues to provide high-quality educational and behavioral programs.

Wendy Zeballos, Ed.D., BCBA-D, Director of Clinical Services

Wendy Zeballos received her Master’s degree in Psychology with a specialization in Applied Behavior Analysis from University of Nevada. She received her Doctoral degree in Education from Argosy University. She has practiced in the field of behavior analysis for over 14 years and has been working mainly with children and adolescents with autism or other developmental disabilities. Wendy has extensive clinical experience in the areas of conducting functional behavioral assessments, developing ABA programs and behavior intervention plans, conducting individual ABA therapy, parent training and staff training. She has worked with individuals who have challenging difficulties such as aggression, self-injurious behaviors, severe communication delays, eating problems, and dental phobia.

Wendy specializes in early intervention, verbal behavior, and works intensively with children who have severe language delays. In the process, she trains parents to work effectively with their children to improve communication, compliance and to use behavioral strategies such as positive reinforcement. Wendy strives to educate others on the importance of working with individuals and not just their disabilities. She collaborates with other professionals to provide optimal therapy for our clients.

As the Clinical Director of Interventions Unlimited, Wendy supervises a team of over 30 behavior analysts, behavior therapists and Infant Toddler Developmental Specialists.

OTHER CAMP INFO: What parents had to say about our Social Skills Camp:

“This was my child’s first year. We drove a very long distance for him to attend the camp. It was fantastic.” Mrs. M.

“Wonderful camp! My son has shown amazing progress and the staff were amazing. Very happy here!” Anonymous parent

“Everyone was awesome. My son absolutely loved camp!!! Can't wait until next year. This camp gave my son the opportunity to socialize with other children with similar interests and he was able to interact and have conversations with them. He is so much more vocal now. I wish we had this opportunity in the area where we live-weekly. This camp was well worth the drive! As always, all the staff at Interventions Unlimited do a tremendous job!! I recommend this camp to everyone I meet. Thank you so much!” Mrs. G.

“Thank you so much for all you did this summer! My son has been having a great time and making progress along the way. We can't speak highly enough of our experience,” Mrs. K. from Brevard.

Schedule: 6/8/2020-7/17/2020, 9:00AM-3:00PM Aftercare is available until 5:00 p.m.

Application Fee (Nonrefundable): $50 on or before April 10, 2020, $65 after April 10, 2020


Full-day Options:

$360 per week if registering for the entire program (6 weeks)

$385 per week if registering for the partial program (less than 6 weeks)

Half-day Options: (9:00 am – 12:00 pm OR 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm)

$190 per week if registering for the entire program (6 weeks)

$205 per week if registering for the partial program (less than 6 weeks)


$20 per day after camp dismissal in the afternoon for aftercare. Aftercare is not offered to children only attending morning camp.

Full-time and Part-time Positions for:

Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)
Florida Certified Behavior Analyst (CBA/fl)
Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA)
Non-certified ABA therapists
Teachers (trained in ABA) for our school
Other experienced behavioral staff
Interns and Volunteers

We also have openings for independent contractors, salaried employees and hourly employees.

Flexible hours and competitive pay! Excellent benefit package for full time employees! Please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

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Updated: May 24, 2018

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