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Vermont Guild of Flute Making
Richmond, Vermont

Visit Our Vermont Guild of Flute Making Website
529 Williams Hill Rd.
Richmond, Vermont 05477

529 Williams Hill Rd.
Richmond, VT  05477

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TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Daily Mon-Fri- 9 am - 5 pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: A series of excellent courses each lasting one week gives campers everything they need to completely disassemble a flute, clean and oil the keys, and reassemble it using the right tools in a small workshop attached to the Landell's home.

Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Swimming, Technology, and more. Flute Performance & Chamber Music.

TOP VERMONT SUMMER CAMP: Vermont Guild of Flute Making is a Top Summer Camp located in Richmond Vermont offering many fun and enriching camp programs.

CAMP LOCATION: The Landell workshop is about 800 square feet of extended garage space attached to our 4 bedroom Colonial home on a dead end dirt road. We have a 5 acre woodlot around us, and it seems to be very rustic and rural, but not isolated. We are about 1/2 hour from Burlington International Airport (BTV), and the city of Burlington is easily reached by a nearby Interstate 89 at exit 11.

CAMP FACILITIES: The workshop can accommodate 4 students each working at their own bench, and there is a modern machine shop for metal working. We have Wi-Fi available for Internet access. Our children are all grown up now, so we have several bedrooms available for students who want full room and board with family style home cooked meals. We have a grand piano in the music room, so we often enjoy playing chamber music together after dinner.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: The teacher is Jonathon A. Landell, master flute maker and flutist with 40+ years experience building hand made professional flutes for flutists world-wide, and he has sponsored these workbench training courses for the Vermont Guild of Flute Making for over 30 years. Students from every continent have traveled to Vermont to study the art of flute making and repairing, and they often return home to establish their own businesses or to find work at an established flute making company.

First, students will begin with Padding Techniques for one week by replacing all the pads from their own project flute with new pads, learning how to install and shim each pad until it seals perfectly, and then setting up the keywork to operate perfectly.

Then the second week in the Overhaul Techniques class, students will learn how to prepare a professional hand made flute for a complete overhaul by taking out dents and scratches, removing normal wear from the keys, and polishing the whole flute in the buffing machine. They also make some tools and learn how to operate a lathe, drill press and grinder. We talk about how to start a small repair business, and gather the necessary tools and supplies from vendors.

The third week students will Build Your Own Head Joint, which is the mouthpiece part of the flute. This is a hands-on flute making class where students learn the basic techniques needed to build a silver flute by hand. Filing, scraping, burnishing, sanding and polishing, torch soldering with lead solder and silver solder, and various simple machine tool operations bring the student into the craftsmanship experience that is only available through the Vermont Guild. Students will complete this class in one week and go home with a silver head joint that they made and has their own name engraved on it by Mr. Landell.

Finally, the ambitious students will complete the Build Your Own Flute class in six weeks. Starting with a silver flute body that was prepared by Mr. Landell, they will learn to file and fit each of the key parts together, brazing them with a torch, and hand fitting them together into a traditional Boehm system flute with French pointed arms, open holes and B foot joint. When the flute has been completely assembled and polished, it will have white gold springs and all the necessary hardware ready for paddng at home.

The Advanced Flute Padding Techniques class will offer training in using the modern synthetic pads of Straubinger or Schmidt, and other high tech tools for measurement of air leakage and precision padding. The Piccolo Padding Techniques class gives full training in installing cork or felt pads in piccolos, and finishing the work to set-up perfectly.

After completion of each one week class, students will receive a certificate signed by Mr. Landell showing that they successfully completed the courses. After completing the six week Build Your Own Flute class, students will receive the Guild's certificate, and the flute will be their own property for playing music and showing at exhibitions and fairs.

OTHER CAMP INFO: The first week campers remove all the pads and replace them with new pads, learning how to install pads without any air leakage. The second week campers learn how to overhaul a flute and do mechanical repair. The third week they build a silver flute head joint from scratch. Anyone who completes these 3 weeks may decide to come back for six weeks to build all the keys for a new silver flute, which becomes their property to take home and finish padding, and that class lasts six weeks. A new one week class is Advanced Flute Padding week gives training for modern synthetic pads from Straubinger or Schmidt. And now offering a one week class for Piccolo Padding Technique which gives training for padding wooden or metal piccolos.

Lunch is always provided in the Landell's home.

Students who would like to stay in the Guest Room are invited to send any specific food requirements to Mrs. Landell. Guests are expected to follow the rules of behavior that would be common in any well-mannered home.

Classes at the Vermont Guild are generally run during the summer months when students are off for vacations. Visit the web site at Our Camp Website Link: for specific dates and times. Other times can be arranged for one-on-one classes that would be mutually convenient with a surcharge of 50%.

Qualifications for prospective students are not formally established, and students of any age group may apply. All classes are conducted in English, and every student is required to be fluent in conversational English language ability. A well qualified student should have learned enough about playing flute to be able to read music and play well in all the three octave range.

A personal history of hand work is very important, because this project is very small and the work is detailed. Thus a crafts person should have unlimited patience with good hand-eye coordination skills. The specific information about the classes will be found on the Registration Form at the web site with the deadline for applications and requirements for payments in advance.

Prospective students should download the Registration Form from the web site, fill out all the information, and either FAX or mail the form with the deposit to Mr. Landell, or scan it and attach it to an email. A phone call or Skype meeting is always appreciated!

Full Time Apprenticeship is available to highly talented students who complete all 11 weeks of training at the Vermont Guild and want to serve as an apprentice to Mr. Landell.  During the initial season of the apprenticeship there is no monetary remuneration, but if the relationship works well for both master and apprentice, then there would be a further agreement that continues for several years with expenses provided for room and board.  Please inquire further if interested.

Go to The Best Vermont Summer Camps Directory to Find More Top Summer Camps Near Richmond, Vermont.

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Be sure to check each camp listing under INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES OFFERED for the range of Special Interest Activities and Programs provided by each Vermont Summer Camp or Summer Recreation Program.

Many Vermont Day and Sleepaway Camps offer professional level instruction in a wide-range of activities, from Horseback Riding, to Computers & Technology, to Performing Arts, to Leadership.

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