Top Summer Camps and Summer Programs for Kids & Teens in California

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Stage Door Conservatory
Berkeley, CA

Visit Our Stage Door Conservatory Website
209-213-2103 (Berkeley, CA)
1953 Hopkins Street
Berkeley, CA 94707

MAIL ADDRESS: 2211 Spaulding, Berkeley, CA 94703
TEL: (209) 213-2103 WEB:


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Day - 9 AM - 3:30 PM, aftercare can be arranged with community providers.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Swimming, Academics, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located in a community center at the Epworth Community Church 1953 Hopkins Street in North Berkeley. Safe, accessible via public transportation, and near amenities, such as a local library, park and public swimming pool, the center has been our summer home for more than a decade. (Although we are based at the center as a summer occupant, our program is not in any way religiously focused.)

CAMP FACILITIES: The community center has multiple indoor rooms which are used for dancing, singing, acting and art during our performance rehearsal process.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Is your child theatrical? Like the limelight? Enjoy the joyful, imaginative play of performance? Love to sing or dance or act, or just ''ham it up?''

Does he or she love the books and plays of Roald Dahl? Enjoy full length musicals like ''Disney's CAMP ROCK, The Musical' or ''CARRIE, The Musical? If so, consider sending them to Stage Door Conservatory, one of the East Bay's most popular summer musical theater camps.

Based in North Berkeley since 1999, our camps provide a rewarding, enriching, memorable summer experience for creative and creatively-curious children in grades 2 - 12. No experience is needed, though even young actors with well-honed skills enjoy spending their summers at our camp, often explaining ''it's the summer of a life-time.''

We offer four popular summer programs: KIDS ON STAGE, ON BROADWAY, TEENS ON STAGE and BACKSTAGE for children entering 2nd grade - just graduating 12th. All our programs include a strong conservatory focus and emphasize the integral value and importance of each child's contribution to our productions.

KIDS ON STAGE - For youth entering 2nd - 6th grade.
Each two week session of KOS produces a short play based on a popular children's book, and concludes with a final performance for friends and family. In addition to rehearsing a play, campers will sing, dance, act and learn about stage craft. Swimming, one afternoon a week.

Sessions are held from 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Session 1 : June 30, 2014 - July 11, 2014 (No Camp July 4th)
Session 2: July 14, 2014 - July 25, 2014
Session 3: July 28, 2014 - August 8, 2014
Cost: $700

ON BROADWAY - For youth entering the 5th - 10th grade.
PRESENTING Disney's Camp Rock, The Musical
This four-week camp runs June 23, 2014 - July 19, 2014, culminating with three public performances. As members of our conservatory, all campers sing, dance, act and learn about stage craft. Swimming, one afternoon a week.


TEENS ON STAGE - For youth entering the 8th - just graduating 12th grade.
PRESENTING Carrie, The Musical.

This six-week camp runs July 7, 2014 - August 17, 2014, culminating in a professionally-staged production of Carrie, The Musical. As members of our conservatory, all campers sing, dance, act and learn about stage craft. No audition required for enrollment, however, auditions for lead roles are held in March. Please email us for more information.

Cost$ 2120

Contact stagedoorconservatory[AT] or 209-213-2103 for information or visit our website at

PLEASE NOTE Children with all levels of experience are welcome to join us! Our camps are based in North Berkeley for children in grades 2 � 12. Financial aid available.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: BACKSTAGE - For youth entering the 8th — just graduating 12th grade.

BACKSTAGE is an exciting counselor-in-training program for teenagers. Each counselor will select a specific focus, such as choreography, stage and set design, music, costuming, stage management or direction. Counselors will be actively engaged in one or more of our productions and gain valuable vocational training in their area of focus.

Apprentices are scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily for a period of two to eight weeks between the dates of June 23 and August 17. Email us at stagedoorconservatory[AT] for an application and interview.



Stage Door Conservatory nurtures the social, emotional and intellectual development of children using by the performing arts as a vehicle of learning. By supporting children to express themselves as theater artists and engage collaboratively with others in the creative process, we help them develop both confidence in themselves and their potential and greater acceptance, appreciation and respect for others.


We will create experiences that nurture and support the creative lives of young persons, using musical theater as a vehicle for learning.

Our programs will serve youth in grades 2 through 12.

Our programs will offer youth a rich conservatory experience, providing them with opportunities to develop their skills as singers, actors and dancers, learn the art of stage-craft and perform publically as an ensemble in high caliber productions.

We will offer our programs to actors with all levels of prior experience and skill, providing opportunities for each participant to express themselves creatively and participate meaningfully in our productions.

We will encourage our young actors to regard and support one another as equal members of a collaborative ensemble, where each person's contributions are valued equally.

We will encourage our audiences to become members of a special circle of support and celebrate our young performers, not only participate as bystanders.

We will encourage our participants to reflect on their own lives, as well as the cultural, social, moral and spiritual themes represented in our productions, both to help them develop their understanding of theater and the contexts in which it was been created. We will help young performers to develop their capacities for empathy and respect for others, as they explore the human themes depicted in our plays.

We will encourage our young actors to co-create a community of caring with one another, and to communicate with one another with respect.


Stage Door Conservatory supports the livelihood of children and youth in our community by engaging them in inspirational performing arts programs. These programs are based on the seven tenets. We believe:

Theater provides powerful opportunities for learning about oneself, others and the world.

The performing arts provide youth with excellent opportunities to both express themselves and engage in an invaluable process of collaboration with others.

A conservatory offers young actors the opportunity to immerse themselves in all aspects of theater.

We will strive to ensure that every each young person in our program has a meaningful experience as a performer, whatever their prior experience and skill.

Youth from different backgrounds benefit from the opportunity to collaborate creatively with one another.

High quality theater is achieved through maintaining and understanding artistic discipline. Youth can create plays of exceptional quality.

CAMP LIFE Many children regard Stage Door Conservatory a home away from home because we focus on creating a sense of community for everyone who join us. During our first week together, as in all subsequently weeks, we will focus on developing a strong sense of esprit d-corps among our campers ... encouraging the creation of new bonds between the children who are becoming newly acquainted as members of our ensemble, as well as the renewal of old bond among children who have spent prior summers together as members of our camp. Both ON BROADWAY and TEENS ON STAGE include many alumni who participate in our program year after year. If your child is joining us for the first time, please let them know that are not alone and that they will be welcomed and cared for ... within a day he or she will feel as much a part of ON BROADWAY and TEENS ON STAGE as everyone else!


Both ON BROADWAY and TEENS ON STAGE are ensemble-based programs. During our first weeks together, we will encourage our young actors to collaborate in the creative process together and to appreciate and support one another as persons and performers. We will emphasize the unique importance of each child who is a part of our production, whether they are performing in a lead role or as a member of our ensemble. Because we are a conservatory, in addition to rehearsing and performing in a high caliber production, children participate in every aspect of our production, from costuming, to set-design, to props development.


KIDS ON STAGE: $700 (2 weeks)
ON BROADWAY: $1,420 (4 weeks)
TEENS ON STAGE: $2,120 (6 weeks)

Some financial aid will be available to qualifying low-income families with a separate application. No audition is required for enrollment. Volunteer opportunities are available for parents and family members.

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