Top Summer Camps and Summer Programs for Kids & Teens in Ohio

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Red Oak Camp
Kirtland, Ohio

Visit Our Red Oak Camp Website
9057 Kirtland Chardon Rd
Kirtland, Ohio 44094


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Teen Travel Camp

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.

Soccer, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located about 45 minutes East of Cleveland Ohio and are located adjacent to the world renowned Holden Arboretum.

Our physical address is:
9057 Kirtland Chardon Rd.
Kirtland Oh 44094

CAMP FACILITIES: Red Oak Camp offers many different outdoor activities. There is a pond for fishing and canoeing, a swimming pool, playing fields, recreation building, wood shop, a nature study center, and large pavilion. We have indoor and outdoor climbing walls, high ropes courses, and a zip line.

At the nearby Holden Arboretum, campers are introduced to the woods where they learn about our delicate ecology. Campers take numerous hikes, practice bird and leaf identification, collect rocks for their collections, and search the streams for frogs and crayfish.

Girls in our Chincapin Equestrian program also get to take advantage of our second property that includes a Barn, riding areas, and 13 horses. Riding lessons focuses on English style riding, safety, an appreciation of the sport, good riding form, and horse care.

Campers in our Red Oak Teen Travel Camp use our cabin area as their base camp before they take off on adventures that might include backpacking, whitewater rafting, rock climbing, canoeing, and more.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Red Oak Camp has a rich history as a premier camp for adventure trips and travel programming. We are excited to again offer these exciting opportunities for summer 2014. Throughout all of our trips, campers will have the time of their lives. They’ll participate in a range of activities, including whitewater rafting, climbing, backpacking, caving, canoeing, mountain biking, and more. They will build skills and confidence to help them through high school and college and contribute to their future success!

The Red Oak program is exemplary at serving our mission, of building our campers’ inner strengths though outdoor adventure. Campers will spend two full weeks with us. The first week will be spent at Red Oak “base camp” in Kirtland. Here they’ll develop the outdoor skills, leadership, self-confidence, and perseverance that will help them be successful during the second week of the program. In week two, campers will put those skills to use on adventures in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New York, or Kentucky–adventures they will remember always. Adventures that will foster life-long friendships.

Red Oak maintains a unique outdoor educational philosophy in which campers get to design their own experience. The camper day is divided between Campers Choice and Open Activities, with some special programs thrown in throughout the week.

Campers Choice is where are staff are able to provide progressive experiential education. Campers sign up for the areas that most excite them and participate in them throughout the week. Camper’s Choice activities include high adventure, canoeing/kayaking, fishing, wood shop, sports, outdoor survival and fire building, target sports, and more.

Open Activities is when our staff gets to be a bit more creative and offer programs that allow campers to try a little bit of everything (and hopefully some things that they haven’t yet tried). Open Activities may include activities such as tomahawk throwing, paintball slingshots, arts and crafts, crate stacking, double ball, creek stomping, orienteering and much more.

Additionally, each week of the summer will have a theme. Both Camper’s Choice and Open Activities often get tailored to match the theme of the week and special programs will occur, culminating in a large “all camp” activity on Friday. Campers are encouraged to dress the part and bring supplies to fit each theme.

For young men and women ages 13-16.

This program focuses on training young men and women in leadership, safety, and service. The goal is to create responsible young counselors who may be able to work at our camp, or gain the experience necessary to work at other camps with Red Oak’s recommendation.

This program is perfect for former Red Barn or Chincapin campers, who want to continue a camp experience and prepare for a leadership role. The skills gained through JCLP will help carry Junior Counselors through high school, college, and beyond.

JCLP is a mixture of fun and learning. Participants have a chance to be campers, and work to master Red Oak’s many activities, such as archery, canoeing, climbing and high adventure, fishing, outdoor cooking, nature/science, and riflery. JCLP participants will also get the chance to work with our staff to learn risk management, age and social characteristics, First Aid, songs and games, and much more.

JCLP participants must sign up for a minimum of 2 consecutive weeks, but are welcome to sign up for up to 7 weeks.

For young men and women ages 15-17*.

This program is for the camper who is serious about becoming a camp counselor. CITs will be invited to attend parts of pre-camp training, with all of the camp staff, and then select 2 weeks to return to camp to complete their internship. One week of the internship will be as a general counselor, followed by one week in the area of their choosing. After successful completion, participants may be asked to return to help for additional weeks of camp.

CIT Participants are required to register as well as fill out the Staff Application and acquire 3 References.

*Graduates of the JCLP/CIT programs are the only 17-year-old and younger applicants who will be considered for employment. All other applicants must be 18 years old or older.


Register by February 1st and receive a 10% discount on the cost of tuition.

When registering multiple children from the same family, families receive a 10% discount for each additional child after the first registered camper. This discount will be applied to the camp with the lowest cost and it will be 10% of the actual amount due after any other discount has been applied.

For all Red Barn and Chincapin programs there is a 2 week minimum. Sign up for 4 or more weeks and receive a 10% discount on the cost of tuition.

Help us spread the word!
If your camper brings a friend to camp who is a brand new camper, your camper and the friend will both receive a 10% discount on every week that they both attend.
Host a camp information party at your home. Invite your friends and neighbors. Red Oak Camp will provide snacks straight from our kitchen and send staff to your home to talk about the benefits of Camp and the great programs that we have to offer.

We encourage your experienced camper to put together a scrap book or photo album of camp memories to talk about as well. Families that host these information sessions will receive a $50 camp voucher if a minimum of 3 new families attend, and will receive the above “Share the Fun” discount if any of the families that attend end up registering their campers.

If you are interested in hosting a camp information party, please contact Adam Cassi at director[AT]

Red Oak Camp believes in the power of volunteers. They are an integral part of a successful summer. We are always looking for volunteers with a wide range of talents and expertise. There are several opportunities in which your help is needed. Volunteers must be 18 years or older and complete the following requirements:

• Submit a volunteer application (contact the camp’s Executive Director for an application packet).
• Interview with the Executive Director.
• Review all written materials before camp.
• Complete a Background Check
• Incentive Program for Camp Volunteers:
• 1–5 hours: free camp t-shirt
• 5+ hours: 1% off camp fee for every hour volunteered
• Full Week: $200 off of a registration per week volunteered (up to $600 for the summer)
• Possible areas of volunteering may include:
• Marketing and Graphic Design
• Website Management
• Program Design and Facilitation
• Site Maintenance and Improvements
• Clerical Support

For more information or to request a volunteer application, contact the Camp’s Executive Director at 440-256-0716 or director[AT]

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Red Oak Camp is a year-round facility, offering programming and overnight accommodations to area schools, Scout groups, religious groups, sports teams, colleges, adult/corporate organizations, and other groups looking to bond, build team skills, develop leaders, and become stewards of the environment.

The Red Oak staff has the expertise and experience to provide you with a customized program, based on your group’s goals and outcomes. Our programs typically range from 2-hour sessions to extended overnight stays. Red Oak can provide day and night accommodations, excellent meals/menu options, and programming focused on skill development in areas such as:
• Leadership
• Team-building
• Character Development
• Communication
• Problem Resolution
• Resource Utilization
• Confidence
• Trust
• Environmental Education

If you do not see the programs/objectives that interest your group, please contact us and we will be happy to develop a customized program for you.

Can’t Come to Us? If you cannot get your group here to Red Oak Camp, many of the Team-building and Leadership programs that we offer can be done at your location. Contact us for more details.

To get more information or to book your program contact the camp office at 440-256-0716 or director[AT]

New for 2014: The Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets identify the skills, experiences, relationships, and behaviors that enable young people to develop into successful and contributing adults. In this one day workshop, learn about the 40 Assets and how to develop them in your students, yourself, and your school community.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Our Goals & Objectives

Our mission is to develop our participants’ inner strengths through outdoor adventure. Our overall camp goals are to:

• Educate our campers on the importance of the outdoor experience.
• Build balanced programs of work and play, developing our participants’ sense of responsibility, initiative, sportsmanship, and self-confidence
• Understand and appreciate our role in the environment.
• Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects our self, others, and the environment.

By participating in activities at our camps, our campers:

• Become more self-sufficient.
• Strive toward leadership roles.
• Have a sense of accomplishment, as they master various camp activities and move to different levels of achievement.
• Learn to have positive interactions with each other.
• Respect the beliefs and cultural differences of their fellow campers.
• Learn “leave no trace behind” camping techniques, and become stewards of the environment.

Please visit our website at Our Camp Website Link:

Be a role model… Work hard… Make a difference… Have fun…

You are on the path to having one of the greatest summers of your life!

Spend 8 -14 weeks of your summer working at camp! This is bound to be the best job you’ve ever had and the hardest work you’ll ever love! Campers come to our camps from all walks of life and find themselves in a caring, nurturing environment where they get to make friends and try new things, while creating lasting memories. Wouldn’t you love to be part of the difference made in a child’s life?

Here are a few benefits of working at summer camp:

Training – you’ll learn the tools you need to be successful in our pre-camp training.

Salary range is between $1,800 – $5,000

Friends – imagine making life long friendships in just 2 ½ months.

Experience – how good will this look on your resume?

Working at a camp is a rewarding experience that will give you skills and memories to last a lifetime.

For more information check out Our Camp Website Link: or contact us at director[AT]

Go to The Best Ohio Summer Camps Directory to Find More Top Summer Camps Near Kirtland, Ohio.

Ohio Summer Camps Offer Wide Range of Programs & Summer Activities

Be sure to check each camp listing under INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES OFFERED for the range of Special Interest Activities and Programs provided by each Ohio Summer Camp or Summer Recreation Program.

Many Ohio Day and Sleepaway Camps offer professional level instruction in a wide-range of activities, from Horseback Riding, to Computers & Technology, to Performing Arts, to Leadership.

For a complete List of Ohio Special Interest Summer Camps & Summer Recreation Programs scroll down to the big black bar at the very bottom of this page.

You can go directly to any of our 2025 Special Interest Camp Directories from the list in the black bar at the bottom of this page.


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Updated: May 24, 2018

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