Top Summer Camps and Summer Programs for Kids & Teens in Connecticut

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Holiday Hill Day Camp
Mansfield Center, CT

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41 Chaffeeville Road
Mansfield Center, CT 06250

Watch Our Holiday Hill Day Camp Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily: 9:00am - 4pm; Transportation from most eastern Connecticut towns.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Holiday Hill Day Camp in Mansfield, CT is the summer place for boys and girls of all ages who want to have fun, make friends, keep active, and grow strong. Each day at Holiday Hill is a world of action and adventure where kids learn important social and physical skills in an atmosphere of encouragement, acceptance, and fun. More than child care, babysitting or single-focus programs, we keep kids engaged in hundreds of skill-building, energizing, success oriented activities.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: A limited capacity program for children and teenagers with Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Asperger Syndrome, High Functioning Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Shyness combines of regular camp and special counseling. Promotes social learning through developmental play with a focus on social communication, emotional regulation, and transactional support. The program will help campers work on sustaining friendships and developing resiliency.

Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Basketball, Soccer, Golf, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Team Sports, Science, Technology, Academics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Horseback Riding, Dance, Mountain Biking, & Canoeing

TOP CONNECTICUT SUMMER CAMP: Holiday Hill Day Camp is a Top Summer Camp located in Mansfield Center Connecticut offering many fun and enriching camp programs. Holiday Hill Day Camp also offers CIT/LIT and/or Teen Leadership Opportunities, too.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located 30 miles east of Hartford, in the hills of eastern Connecticut, very near the Storrs Campus of the University of Connecticut. Visit our website to see our video and learn more about us.

CAMP FACILITIES: Twenty-Five acres of lawns, forested hillside, two outdoor pools, basketball courts, softball field, amphitheater, activities barn playgrounds and giant event tent, archery range, ropes course, zip line and more!

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our carefully chosen, conscientiously coached and closely supervised staff of youth development professionals builds success into every child that comes our way!

Holiday Hill is the region’s oldest, largest, and only state licensed, ACA Accredited, Independent day camp for boys and girls; owned and operated by the same family for 57 years.

Meet us along one of our convenient bus routes in 29 area towns, or drive in yourself, but join us this summer and find out why three generations of eastern Connecticut families agree that at Holiday Hill, summer never felt so good!

Summer never felt so good! Parents love our daily transportation and bus counselors, outstanding staff, safe, nurturing environment and responsive administration. Kids love the fun! Regular sessions include swimming lessons and recreational swimming in sparkling pools, sports, pony rides, archery, canoeing, ropes course with zip line, nature, crafts, creative dramatics, riflery and hundreds of games and activities.

Special sessions focus on horsemanship and riding lessons, dance, golf or mountain biking, plus a powerful leadership program for campers in grades 9 & 10. It all adds up to serious fun for boys and girls ages 4-14! For more information, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: The Holiday Hill NEST program grows 9th and 10th graders into leaders. Many of our oldest campers eagerly stay on, often becoming the next generation of kid-loving counselors. But NEST is not just counselor training, so we welcome all who seek a very educational and motivational program. NEST (Nurturing Experiences for Staff Trainees) — • 2-year progressive experiential education course • Develops natural leadership qualities by teaching basic camp leadership skills • Creates well-rounded, thoughtful, caring and competent staff members with a broad range of human relation skills, outdoor education techniques, sports, games and camp programming ideas. • Benefits young people regardless of their interest in camp counseling.

While not a prerequisite or a promise, most of our current staff members are graduates of this course. Eagle Phase • Campers entering ninth grade in the fall after camp • 4-week program taken in either sessions 1-2 or sessions 3-4 • Course components led by our Camp Director, Aquatics Director, Ropes Course facilitators and other key camp staff • Coordinated by a specially trained counselor who acts as the Group Leader • Enrollment limited on a first-come, first-served basis by registering with the standard summer camp registration form. If taken in the first half of the summer, successful participants may return for one or two more sessions as Junior Staff Trainees (JST’s). These young people are placed with camper groups to gain experience alongside regular staff.

If the Eagle Phase of the program is taken in the second half of the summer, campers may attend our regular camp program as Hawks (our oldest camper group) for all or part of the first two sessions. Junior Counselor Phase • Second summer of the program • Open to graduates of the Eagle Phase who are entering tenth grade in the fall • Junior Counselor candidates apply for a limited number of positions and attend at a special camp fee • Junior Counselors enroll for any number of sessions with a special Junior Counselor Application and Registration Packet and camp fee • JC’s attend certain pre-camp meetings in Mid-June along with our regular staff (dates TBA) • Rotated among different camper groups and specialty areas throughout the summer for a variety of experiences with different aged campers and activities • JCs receive additional in-service training, evaluation and mentoring throughout the summer from their special advisor and others in our camp leadership.

Eagle Phase enrollees need to complete only the regular Summer Camp Registration Form. Junior Counselor enrollees need to complete both the Junior Counselor Application and the Summer Camp Registration Forms. Call the camp at 860-423-1375 with questions or to enroll by phone.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Mansfield’s Holiday Hill Day Camp is an American Camp Association accredited camp committed to helping youth develop valuable life skills through camping programs that build self-esteem, independence, leadership and friendship skills, environmental awareness, and a spirit of adventure and exploration. We serve people of all ages, backgrounds, abilities and incomes. The funds available for Holiday Hill’s Campership Program are made possible through the generosity of our volunteers, alumni, camper families, staff and community donors, and the American Camp Association Camper Scholarship Program. Families are asked to provide financial information to substantiate their requests for tuition support. Families are asked to pay as much of their camp tuition as possible, and request Camper Scholarship funds to make up the balance. Contact the camp for a Campership Application Form.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Holiday Recreation Center—Summer never felt so good. (And maybe even spring and autumn too!) Three generations of central Connecticut families have come to trust us – to mentor their children, to ensure both physical and emotional safety, and to impart valuable life skills – all while kids are having the summer time of their lives. So, why not do similar things for families and adult groups in Mansfield Center, Storrs, Willimantic, Manchester and the surrounding areas? That commitment has created the addition of: • group picnics and outings • pool memberships • our challenge course Any given weekend can include: • a wedding or reunion • a corporate teambuilding event • a lot of family bonding around our pool. During spring and autumn, we can handle groups any day of the week.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Our superlative and totally dedicated counselors join campers in creating a true summer family in an environment rich in safety, comfort, acceptance and FUN! We begin with all the physical skills and challenges everyone expects at camp. Then we go beyond the obvious and emphasize the social, emotional and psychological growth of our campers with activities that create a spiral of successes. Each child is an important person, sharing in the democratic process of the whole group. Each day is a chance for campers to learn to appreciate each other and to appreciate our environment. We encourage campers to take responsibility for themselves and their actions, and to feel good about themselves. Every camper takes home a smile and life-long memories, plus new skills and new friendships.

2098 Camp Session Dates – A two-week session minimum is highly recommended! Split sessions of one week are also available.

June Mini Camp: June 17-21

Session 1: June 24- July 5; Includes camp on July 4!

Session 2: July 8-19;

Session 3: July 22 - August 2;

Session 4: August 5-16;

August Mini Camp: August 19-23

Go to The Best Connecticut Summer Camps Directory to Find More Top Summer Camps Near Mansfield Center, Connecticut.

Connecticut Summer Camps Offer Wide Range of Programs & Summer Activities

Be sure to check each camp listing under INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES OFFERED for the range of Special Interest Activities and Programs provided by each Connecticut Summer Camp or Summer Recreation Program.

Many Connecticut Day and Sleepaway Camps offer professional level instruction in a wide-range of activities, from Horseback Riding, to Computers & Technology, to Performing Arts, to Leadership.

For a complete List of Connecticut Special Interest Summer Camps & Summer Recreation Programs scroll down to the big black bar at the very bottom of this page.

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Updated: May 24, 2018

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