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Visit Our HiArt!'s Culture Bugs! Website
227 West 29 St.
New York, NY 10001
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily 9:30-3:30, 9:30-12 for children 3-5
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, and more. All Arts - Highly Specialized In Art & Music.
CAMP LOCATION: Located in exciting West Chelsea, home to many of the worlds, leading galleries, HiArt!'s Culture Bugs takes place in a beautiful, 2500 sf natural light, air conditioned studio/gallery. A myriad of fabulous field trips to neighboring museums and galleries complements the Best Of New York curriculum for arts loving kids of all ages.
CAMP FACILITIES: New York is HiArt!'s art oyster. Children alternate between studio time in our 2500 sf, natural light, air conditioned studio the walls of which are graced by the work of some of New York's most up and coming artists and gallery hops and museum visits to all of the leading contemporary shows in the city.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: HiArt! and Culture Bugs were founded in 1997 by the outstanding, award winning artist, opera singer, artist and arts educator, Cyndie Bellen-Berthezene, as a means to develop the most outstanding arts opportunities for her then 3 year old daughter. Tried and true, and almost 17 years later, HiArt! has provided a unique vista on the world of the contemporary arts to thousands of children, both through Culture Bugs! and its non-profit program, The Time In Children's Arts Initiative (timeinkids.org) bringing the face of real art-making to children from all over the globe under the mentorship of some of the world's most up and coming young artists.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Partial Scholarships available for qualified families: please contact the director for more information.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Best Children's Arts Program, Best of New York 2000, NY Magazine - year round classes combining opera through hands-on art. Plus NY's leading manga program for elementary and middle school students also classes in sculpture, painting, video, etc.
OTHER CAMP INFO: "Best of New York 2000," New York Magazine.
Camp sessions are available from Mid-June to Mid-August. For further information Our Camp Website Link: www.hiartkids.com or call 212-209-1552!
Summer 2014: First News!
HiArt!'s Magical Mega Manga Camp
June 16th-June 27
For Big Kids only – 6-16
The most fabulous manga intensive this side of Tokyo! A two -week session of super manga drawing, anime reading and watching, painting, writing and maybe even a little Japanese. Including kid-friendly lunch every day!
Culture Bugs Wowza Arts Intensive Mini-Camp
June 16-27
For Kids of all Ages! Little Kids 3-5 & Big Kids: 5-15
Building great young artists bursting with ideas about themselves and their place in a new art world -- lots of everything art: manga painting sculpture architecture mixed media watercolor movement drawing photography gallery hops.
BIG KIDS (5-15)
including kid friendly lunch every day
Little KIDS (3-5 with adult companion)
OR Same camp but only 3 days/week
Little KIDS (3-5 with adult companion)
Tues, Weds, Thurs
BIG KIDS (5-15)
Tues, Weds, Thurs
JULY 2014
HiArt!'s Magical Mega Manga Camp
July 7-18 & July 21-August 1
For Big Kids only – 6-16
The most fabulous manga intensive this side of Tokyo! A two -week session of super manga drawing, anime reading and watching, painting, writing and maybe even a little Japanese. Including kid-friendly lunch every day!
$2400/two-week session
Culture Bugs Wowza Arts Intensive Mini-Camp
July 7-August 1
For Kids of all Ages! Little Kids 3-5 & Big Kids: 5-15
Building great young artists bursting with ideas about themselves and their place in a new art world -- lots of everything art: manga painting sculpture architecture mixed media watercolor movement drawing photography gallery hops.
BIG KIDS (5-15)
including kid friendly lunch every day
Little KIDS (3-5 with adult companion)
OR Same camp but only 3 days/week
Little KIDS (3-5 with adult companion)
Tues, Weds, Thurs
BIG KIDS (5-15)
Tues, Weds, Thurs
August 2014
HiArt!'s Magical Mega Manga Immersion with Zoe August 24-30
For Big Kids only – 6-16
Join Zoe who will be just back from her first year in Japan at the world-renowned Art University specializing in Manga, Kyoto Seika! A one -week intensive session of super manga drawing, anime reading and watching, painting, writing and maybe even a little Japanese. Including kid-friendly lunch every day!
Also coming up: HiArt!'s Manga Camp in Japan! Explore, draw, and learn -- This parent and me immersion is on the horizon! Dates for the end of June and the middle of August - in time for Komiket - Tokyo's incredible anime convention - coming right up! Phone for details!!
Summer Camp internships are available. Please contact the director at hiart[AT]earthlink.net
Be sure to check each camp listing under INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES OFFERED for the range of Special Interest Activities and Programs provided by each New York Summer Camp or Summer Recreation Program.
Many New York Day and Sleepaway Camps offer professional level instruction in a wide-range of activities, from Horseback Riding, to Computers & Technology, to Performing Arts, to Leadership.
For a complete List of New York Special Interest Summer Camps & Summer Recreation Programs scroll down to the big black bar at the very bottom of this page.
You can go directly to any of our 2025 Special Interest Camp Directories from the list in the black bar at the bottom of this page.
Top Ten Reasons to Attend Summer Camp
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