Top Summer Camps and Summer Programs for Kids & Teens in Utah

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Camp Kostopulos
Salt Lake City, Utah

Visit Our Camp Kostopulos Website
4180 E. Emigration Canyon Rd.
Salt Lake City, Utah 84108

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CAMPER AGES: Kids (7-12); Youth (10-17); Teen (13-22), or Adult (21+))

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Travel Trips Camp

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: All of our programs are for Special Needs Campers.

Our longest running program is a residential summer camp where kids, teens, and adults with disabilities are able to engage in a variety of activities. During a week-long stay, campers go fishing, ride horses, camp out, sing songs, work on arts and crafts projects, challenge themselves on the ropes course, make new friends, and renew old friendships.

Other campers may opt to enjoy a week on the road as a participant in the Travel Trip Adventures program. Groups of campers and staff participate in week-long camp trips to places such as Moab or Jackson Hole. River running, hiking, viewing wildlife, and visiting attractions are all a part of these trips.

We also offer a Day Camp that offers the same activities as the Residential, with the only difference being that parents/care-givers drop off their camper in the morning and pick them up at the end of the day.

Dance, Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Basketball, Weightloss, Gymnastics, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Team Sports, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Fishing, Camp Out, Canoeing, Arts/crafts, & Ropes Course

CAMP LOCATION: Camp Kostopulos is located in Emigration Canyon, near Salt Lake City.

From Foothill Drive, head east up Emigration Canyon (via Sunnyside; 8th South). Continue east, past Hogle Zoo. Kostopulos Dream Foundation/Camp Kostopulos is located just past Ruth's Diner, on the right.

Please visit our website for photos and videos.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our facilities now include: Five heated, bunk-style cabins, heated swimming pool and bath house, trout-stocked pond, picnic pavilions, lighted sports court, 30- and 60-foot ropes courses, and the Sorenson Legacy Equestrian Park and Ezekiel Dumke indoor arena.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Dan Kostopulos and his wife Helen had big hearts and they loved helping people and giving to those less fortunate. They found their niche through helping individuals with disabilities. As early as 1954, they formed a charitable organization to address this special populations needs. By 1967, they established Camp Kostopulos -- which would go on to provide smiles to thousands of children and adults with disabilities.

Our Mission: The Kostopulos Dream Foundation/Camp Kostopulos is dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with disabilities through recreation, education and growth experiences.

Our Goal: To make our services available to all people, regardless of ability, income, or place of residence.

All of our programs are designed and supervised by licensed Recreational Therapists.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We offer scholarships for low-income families. Please contact us at infromation[AT] for more information.


Family Fun Day/Camp Kostopulos Open House
-- May 31st

Residential Camp Dates:

Week 1: June 2-6 -- Adults
Week 2: June 9-13 -- Teens
Week 3: June 16-20 -- Kids and Youth
Week 4: June 23-27 -- Kids and Youth
Week 5: June 30-July 4 -- Teens
Week 6: July 7-11 -- Adults
Week 7A: July 12-18 -- NF Week
Week 7B: July 14-18 -- Residential Horse Camp
Week 8: July 19-25 -- NF Week
Week 9: July28-August 1 -- Organ Transplant Week

Summer Day Camp (Ages 7-22)
**Note: Weeks 2 & 6 run in conjunction with Natural History Museum of Utah (NHMU); register for camp through NHMU**

Week 2: June 9-13
Week 3: June 16-20
Week 4: June 23-27
Week 5: June 30-July 4
Week 6: July 7-11
Week 7: July 14-18
Week 8: July 21-25
Week 9: July 28-August 1

Travel Trip Camp Dates
Adults = A; Teens = T

Trip 1: June 2-6 -- Adults to Salt Lake Valley
Trip 2: June 9-13 -- A & T to Bryce/Capital Reef
Trip 3: June 16-20 -- A & T to Zion's Maynard Dixon
Trip 4: June 23-27 -- A & T to Horse Adventure*
Trip 5: June 30-July 4 -- Adults to Jackson Hole
Trip 6: July 7-11 -- Teens to Salt Lake Valley
Trip 7: July 14-18 -- Adults to Salt Lake Valley
Trip 8: July 21-25: A & T to Jackson Hole
Trip 9A: July 28-August 1: Teens to Jackson Hole
Trip 9B: July 28-August 1: Adults to Salt Lake Valley

*Requires Instructor pre-approval

For more information, email us at information[AT] or call at 801-582-0700.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We run several programs and activities year-round.

Briefly, we offer:

1) K-Kids Adventures: Offers recreation and experiential learning for children ages 7-17 with special needs. The goal for the K-Kids Program is to provide activities to develop functional life skills, increase leisure awareness, and reduce barriers to recreation participation.

2) Teen Quest: An exciting program for teens ages 13-17 with special needs. This program provides teenagers with an opportunity, at least once a week, to socialize with their peers, while addressing their individual needs.

3) Adult Social Club: Allows adults with special needs, ages 18 and up, to expand their social circles, while learning how to use community resources.

4) Special Programs: Included in the monthly calendars are the activity descriptions and registration forms for a variety of special programs and events. These programs and events include the following: Fitness Program, Snow Adventures, Art Expressions, Horseback Riding, Dance Program, Bowling League, Drama Club and many more.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Private Rentals/Facilities

Located 2.5 miles up Emigration Canyon and ten minutes from downtown Salt Lake City, Camp Kostopulos is an excellent retreat environment for business, civic, church, community, and other groups.

Its facilities, lodged amongst the oak and cottonwood trees and Emigration Creek, are ideal for groups wanting to reinforce team enrichment in either the workplace or community. Lodging, horseback riding, swimming, and other challenging and team-oriented activities are offered to enhance personal growth, as well as build team and family relationships. Available for day and/or overnight excursions, Camp Kostopulos is an ideal place to conduct family- and work-related activities providing both a recreational and leisure environment all year long.

Please check our website for more information: Our Camp Website Link:

Equestrian Center Lessons/Rentals/Lease:

The indoor equestrian center is an amazing facility. It houses both the riding arena and the horse stables under one roof. The entire building measures 200 ft. long and 100 ft. wide. The stables measure 40’ X 100’. The stable area contains nine horse stalls, wash/groom bay, hay/feed storage, tack room, and a mechanical room. Each horse has its own outdoor turn out paddock from their stall. The arena riding area is 80’ X 140’. The arena space contains an office which overlooks the arena floor. The office has its own private restroom. There are public restrooms and bleachers next to the arena.

The equestrian center sits on the mountain top over looking Emigration Canyon. The views are beautiful throughout the four seasons. The facility is nestled among the scrub oaks and sage brush. Horse programs will run year round in this heated facility. Programs are offered for Camp Kostopulos’ participants and for other agencies and organizations that wish to utilize the many types of horse related program options. Specialized equine programs will include working with those individuals with: physical impairments, mental impairments, emotional and behavioral differences, social difficulties, and those who are developmentally delayed.

Please visit our website for more information:
Our Camp Website Link:

Family Fun Day/Camp Kostopulos Open House
-- May 31st

Residential Camp Dates:

Week 1: June 2-6 -- Adults
Week 2: June 9-13 -- Teens
Week 3: June 16-20 -- Kids and Youth
Week 4: June 23-27 -- Kids and Youth
Week 5: June 30-July 4 -- Teens
Week 6: July 7-11 -- Adults
Week 7A: July 12-18 -- NF Week
Week 7B: July 14-18 -- Residential Horse Camp
Week 8: July 19-25 -- NF Week
Week 9: July28-August 1 -- Organ Transplant Week

Summer Day Camp (Ages 7-22)
**Note: Weeks 2 & 6 run in conjunction with Natural History Museum of Utah (NHMU); register for camp through NHMU**

Week 2: June 9-13
Week 3: June 16-20
Week 4: June 23-27
Week 5: June 30-July 4
Week 6: July 7-11
Week 7: July 14-18
Week 8: July 21-25
Week 9: July 28-August 1

Travel Trip Camp Dates
Adults = A; Teens = T

Trip 1: June 2-6 -- Adults to Salt Lake Valley
Trip 2: June 9-13 -- A & T to Bryce/Capital Reef
Trip 3: June 16-20 -- A & T to Zion's Maynard Dixon
Trip 4: June 23-27 -- A & T to Horse Adventure*
Trip 5: June 30-July 4 -- Adults to Jackson Hole
Trip 6: July 7-11 -- Teens to Salt Lake Valley
Trip 7: July 14-18 -- Adults to Salt Lake Valley
Trip 8: July 21-25: A & T to Jackson Hole
Trip 9A: July 28-August 1: Teens to Jackson Hole
Trip 9B: July 28-August 1: Adults to Salt Lake Valley

*Requires Instructor pre-approval

For more information, email us at information[AT] or call at 801-582-0700.

Our fee for one week of camp is $425.

Residential Summer Camp Jobs:
Summer Camp Program Assistant, Summer Camp Counselor, Summer Camp Group Leader

Day Camp Jobs:
Summer Day Camp Counselor, Summer Day Camp Group Leader

Travel Trips Camp Jobs:
Trip Camp Leader

Camp General/Facilities Jobs:
Cook Manager, Health Manager/Nurses, Maintenance/Support Staff, Lifeguards, Horse Instructor, Interns.

Go to The Best Utah Summer Camps Directory to Find More Top Summer Camps Near Salt Lake City, Utah.

Utah Summer Camps Offer Wide Range of Programs & Summer Activities

Be sure to check each camp listing under INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES OFFERED for the range of Special Interest Activities and Programs provided by each Utah Summer Camp or Summer Recreation Program.

Many Utah Day and Sleepaway Camps offer professional level instruction in a wide-range of activities, from Horseback Riding, to Computers & Technology, to Performing Arts, to Leadership.

For a complete List of Utah Special Interest Summer Camps & Summer Recreation Programs scroll down to the big black bar at the very bottom of this page.

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Updated: May 24, 2018

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