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CYC Camp Rosenthal
Dowagiac, Michigan

Visit Our CYC Camp Rosenthal Website
Phone - 269 424-5272
Fax - 269 424-3252

3384 Clawson Road
Dowagiac, Michigan 49047

3384 Clawson Road, Dowagiac MI 49047

Watch Our CYC Camp Rosenthal Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Retreat center.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: At CYC’s Camp Rosenthal, our goal is to teach independent life, skills that each camper can take back home and implement into their daily lives. It is our hope that at the end of each camp session, we have changed a life or possibly saved a life by offering a service that is not obtainable back at home.

Dance, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Weightloss, Soccer, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Volleyball, Team Sports, Computers, Science, Technology, Academics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Sports - Rugby, Cricket, Flag Football,Teambuilding, Bike Program Academics - Reading/writing Program Computer Lab Outdoor - Nature/Camp Craft

CAMP LOCATION: Camp Rosenthal is a rustic summer residential camp located in Dowagiac, Michigan, just 115 miles (or 90 minutes) from Chicago, Camp Rosenthal is nestled within its 330 wooded acres and surrounded by a 30-acre lake. During the summer, it is home away from home to 350 young Chicago campers, where they make their introductions to the great outdoors while meeting new friends, learning new life skills and discovering their leadership potential.

Off season, Camp Rosenthal offers a beautiful landscape for private group retreats, weddings, corporate events and big family outings.

For more info please visit our website at Our Camp Website Link: or visit us on Facebook under Chicago Youth Centers - Camp Rosenthal.

CAMP FACILITIES: The camp is divided into four villages, each of which consists of cabins, a bathhouse and an activity building. Campers are grouped in villages by age and gender and sleep eight to a cabin along with two counselors who maintain a consistent, caring, and attentive presence throughout the day and night. The Camp dining hall is large enough for all campers to eat together family style. We have a fire circle that sits 150 people at a time, a huge open field, a private 30 acre lake, Nature center, art center, and a recreational hall that fits about a 150 people.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Activities include swimming, paddle boating, canoeing, fishing, arts & crafts, hiking, environmental education, bicycling, dance, group games, talent shows, plays & skits, singing and music, campfire storytelling, cook-outs, environmental education, archery, ropes courses, and creative writing! Campers make life-long friends, learn self-reliance, and learn more about the natural world and their place in it in a safe, beautiful environment.

CERTIFICATIONS - All of our staff are first aid/cpr trained. All of our swimming/boating staff are lifeguard certified. Our cooks are Serv Safe certified. We have three health coordinators that are all Wilderness First Aid certified and a RN Nurse on staff. AWARDS - ACA (American Camping Association) Accredited

HISTORY- Chicago Youth Centers (CYC) is Chicago's largest independent, locally based, multi-site youth services organization. It was founded in 1956 by two visionaries, Chicago businessmen Elliott Donnelley and Sidney Epstein, who wanted young people living in poverty to have an alternative to the streets.

CYC was born out of three boys' clubs that had fallen on hard times. With the merger of the American Boys Commonwealth Club and the Boys Brotherhood Republic in North Lawndale together with the South Side Boys Club (later renamed the Elliott Donnelley Youth Center) in Bronzeville, a new city-wide agency was formed: Camp Rosenthal has benefited thousands of Chicago children, ages seven to 15, since 1962.

Camp offers urban youth an opportunity to gain team-building, leadership and social skills as well as a sense of belonging and responsibility through hiking, sailing, canoeing, swimming and campfire storytelling.

PHILOSOPHY - At CYC’s Camp Rosenthal, our goal is to teach independent life, skills that each camper can take back home and implement into their daily lives. It is our hope that at the end of each camp session, we have changed a life or possibly saved a life by offering a service that is not obtainable back at home.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: We have a year round Mentorship program for ages 13-18. The program is designed to influence and motivate teens to become more determined and productive individuals. We do this by focusing on goals that are created to monitor their progress and accomplishments throughout the year. These goals are directly created and monitored by the mentee, parent, and mentor. The mentor’s role is to meet with the mentee on a regular basis. During these meetings the mentor will focus on all the goals previously created to ensure they’re in lined with their everyday actions and attitude

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: For individuals who qualify, we offer a variety of scholarships: -Title XX -SCOPE -Nebagamon. We also offer affordable prices through our sliding scale fee.


YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Retreat center - Chicago Youth Centers’ (CYC) Camp Rosenthal is a natural source of inspiration, and we invite you to host your event within our beautiful landscape. The perfect spot for private group retreats, weddings, corporate events and big family outings, this special secluded spot is nestled within 330 wooded acres and surrounded by a private 30-acre lake in Dowagiac, Michigan, just 115 miles (or 90 minutes) from Chicago. Mentorship Program - The Mentors is a program that fosters a unique opportunity for teens and young adults to recognize positive qualities in self, life and others. First Aid/CPR classes Teambuilding Ropes Course Archery

OTHER CAMP INFO: Chicago Youth Centers’ (CYC) Camp Rosenthal is committed to promoting our campers’ physical, mental, social and spiritual growth. Our team members take pride in knowing they make a difference in the lives of the youth we serve. We recruit professionals for various functions, including education, operations and many others.

Please email your resume, cover letter to aperez[AT]


When looking for summer employment there are many camps to choose from, but which camp is the right one for you That is an important question to ask yourself when looking for a summer camp job. Picking the right camp can determine whether you have a great summer or decide that you never want to work for a summer camp ever again.

When selecting a camp for employment think about these questions;

What is the mission of the camp? Does that mission resonate with your beliefs? What kind of camp is it? Who do they serve and what kind of program is offered to the campers? Where is it located and how long has it been in-existence? Will you be able to handle the environment? Does it have a rich history? How invested is the organization or Camp Director in the camp? In other words are things falling apart at the camp or do they have the essential items in order to run an efficient program? How many staff from previous summers come back? Does the camp have a high ratio of returning campers?

All of these are important questions to ask when interviewing with a Camp Director and asking these questions shows that you are truly invested in where you spend your summer. The answers you receive may help you select a camp that is the right fit for you, but will they guarantee that your summer will be flawless with nothing but sunny days, no stress, good sleep, children that will listen at all times, amazing food, great communication between you and your co-workers, no sun burn, tons of fun, no homesickness, good sleep... Oh wait I said that already... The answer is....... NO!

While all of those questions are important to ask, the truth is your experience is what you make it and depends on how much you dedicate yourself to your role and the camp community. If you as a staff member have no interest in making the summer camp experience for your campers a memorable one then what is your purpose and how are you fulfilling the camp philosophy? What is your primary goal as a staff member and how much are you willing to invest your time and energy into your program?

Some of my best counselors when I was a camper made camp memorable by investing their time in me, by motivating me to step out of my comfort zone or by observing me and knowing exactly when I needed a nudge to bring my best foot forward. I wanted to be around that kind of counselor because it was usually that counselor who believed in me, even when I had lost all belief in myself. On the outside looking in I never really knew what stresses my counselors were facing, but I am sure they had their share of adversity as a camp counselor because it is the one job that will challenge you and help you discover things about yourself you never knew.

After years of being a camper, staff member, and a Camp Director I've come to realize that campers and staff go through the same situations every summer. For example, Campers get home sick, staff do too - Campers get nervous and stressed, staff do too - Campers have sleepless nights, staff do too - Campers get sick of the repetitive food, staff do too - Campers don't always agree with their peers, staff don't too - Campers have moments of wanting to give up and go home and guess what? Staff do too!

The only way you will truly know if you made the right decision is at the end of the summer when you reflect on your summer, look back at your experiences, take the good, the bad, and sometimes the ugly and say to yourself... I can't wait to come back next summer! And guess what? Campers will too!

Here are the jobs we are currently recruiting for our 2014 Summer Camp Season.
-Male Cabin Counselors (7 slots are still open)
-Female Cabin Counselors (7 slots are still open)
-Floater staff (4 slot is still open)
-Nature Counselor (1 slot is still open)
-Camp Craft Counselor (1 slot is still open)
-Swim Instructors (2 slots are still open)
-Boating Instructors (2 slot is still open)
-Archery Instructors (1 slots are still open)
-High Ropes Couse Instructors (3 slots are still open)
-Head Cook (1 slot is open)
-Evening Cook (1 slot is open)
-Kitchen Aides (3 slots are still open)
-Assistant Behavior Coordinator (2 slot is still open)
-Program Coordinator (1 slot is still open)

If you are interested in one of these positions or know someone who might be interested. They must be 18 years or older and they should send a resume and cover letter to aperez[AT]

Go to The Best Michigan Summer Camps Directory to Find More Top Summer Camps Near Dowagiac, Michigan.

Michigan Summer Camps Offer Wide Range of Programs & Summer Activities

Be sure to check each camp listing under INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES OFFERED for the range of Special Interest Activities and Programs provided by each Michigan Summer Camp or Summer Recreation Program.

Many Michigan Day and Sleepaway Camps offer professional level instruction in a wide-range of activities, from Horseback Riding, to Computers & Technology, to Performing Arts, to Leadership.

For a complete List of Michigan Special Interest Summer Camps & Summer Recreation Programs scroll down to the big black bar at the very bottom of this page.

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Updated: May 24, 2018

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